Liberia: Joseph Boakaï inaugurated president during the country's second peaceful transition

In Liberia, the now President Joseph Boakaï was sworn in on Monday January 22 in Monrovia for a six-year mandate, after his victory at the end of November over former football star and outgoing President George Weah.

Thousands of people attended the inauguration ceremony at the Capitol Building, the seat of government, with guests including heads of state from neighboring countries, including those of Sierra Leone and Ghana.

It was a crucial meeting for the young Liberian democracy.

Liberia's President-elect Joseph Boakai during the inauguration ceremony in Monrovia, Liberia, January 22, 2024. © Carielle Doe / Reuters

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Red carpet, guests of honor, and the sun is shining: the atmosphere is festive on Monday in Liberia.

Joseph Boakaï's inauguration ceremony began at 12 p.m. local time (and UT) at the Capitol Building, the seat of government.

During his speech, which was more than an hour long and sparked strong criticism from commentators, the new president had to pause twice before being helped to leave the podium.

The ceremony did not resume.

This 79-year-old man took the oath of office in an open-air room in stifling heat

Some of Joseph Boakai's opponents had expressed concerns about his age and health during the election campaign.

His team rejected the criticism and his spokesman said he had no immediate comment following the incident during the ceremony.


In Liberia, the inauguration ceremony of Joseph Boakaï was a moment of festivities - Ambiance

Christina Okello

Among those present were the Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Moussa Faki, former President of Nigeria Olusegun Obasanjo and a large delegation from the United States.

Also present are the heads of state of Sierra Leone and Ghana, where this day is being followed with great attention, as Ghanaians will go to the polls at the end of the year.

Also present in the front row: former Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, also the first woman elected head of state in Africa, who then passed power to

her successor George Weah in 2018


Today's transfer of power, the second in Liberia's history to take place peacefully, is a source of pride for Liberians, explains Oscar Bloh, a member of civil society.

This is an important day because, unlike other countries in the region, we have experienced a peaceful political transfer of power from one elected government to another democratically elected government.

Liberians are therefore very proud of this transition, and they have high expectations regarding the speech that Joseph Boakaï will give.


Liberian civil society's Oscar Bloh explains why this is 'an important day'

Christina Okello

Many expectations in a country undermined by corruption and poverty

There are many expectations.

Because the new president Joseph Boakaï takes power in a country undermined by poverty and corruption.

In this context, the

new head of state Joseph Boakaï

notably reduced the cost of his inauguration ceremony from 900,000 to 650,000 dollars.

By limiting spending, he marks a break with the style of his predecessor George Weah.

The latter also attended the ceremony, after having defended his record the day before.

In 100 days, Joseph Boakaï promised to take stock of his mandate, also in front of the Liberians.


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