Kirby confirmed the existence of political differences between Biden and Netanyahu (Anatolia)

The US National Security Council's Strategic Communications Coordinator, John Kirby, said yesterday, Sunday, that President Joe Biden is still optimistic about the possibility of reaching a two-state solution that achieves the interests of Palestine and Israel, noting that there are differences between Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Kirby added - in an interview with the American network "NBC" - that Biden deals with Netanyahu as an elected prime minister, but this does not mean that there are no differences over policies between the two men, as he put it.

Kirby stressed that the differences between Netanyahu and Biden will not deter the latter from his determination to achieve progress on the path to the two-state solution, because he believes that it is the best way forward towards achieving peace and security in the region.

Regarding the prisoners, Kirby stated that talks to reach a new agreement to release the Israelis detained in Gaza are still continuing, stressing that “there are no signs of a deal on the horizon yet.”

Kirby said that US Middle East Coordinator Brett McGurk visited Doha last week to try to find out whether progress could be achieved on the path to a prisoner exchange deal, and that work continues daily to reach it.

It is noteworthy that Biden and his Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, asked the Israeli authorities to take American concerns into account in their decisions regarding the Gaza war and to change military strategies to reduce civilian casualties, especially with the growing internal criticism of American support for Israel, but American calls did not find deaf Israeli ears.

Source: Al Jazeera