As an example, he cites the situation with more than ten tubes tied to a car in Mytishchi.

At the same time, the video from the scene shows that the movement is on a public road, which creates an immediate threat to the health and life of the skating participants, Khamzaev added.

He also noted that the legislation currently does not contain clear language regarding punishment for such dangerous actions.

Often, for such acts, administrative protocols are drawn up against drivers for violating the requirements for transporting children with the imposition of minor fines, Khamzaev noted.

The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation has Art.

156, which provides for punishment of up to three years in prison for failure to fulfill or improper performance of duties to raise a minor by a parent or other person, if this act is associated with cruel treatment of a minor, Khamzaev emphasized.

“I ask you to evaluate and support the advisability of introducing paragraph 2 into Article 156 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation regarding the introduction of punishment in the form of imprisonment for a term of up to five years for failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of the duties of raising a minor, if this act is associated with creating a threat to the health and life of the minor ", says the text of the appeal.

Earlier, police found a driver who was giving people rides on tubes tied to a car.

Employees of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Moscow Region quickly found the driver of an SUV who was giving a ride in Mytishchi to a group of people on tubes tied to the car.

A 26-year-old man was brought to administrative responsibility in accordance with the law.