Jacques Serais / Photo credits: AMAURY CORNU / HANS LUCAS / HANS LUCAS VIA AFP 6:56 a.m., January 22, 2024

In the aftermath of the demonstrations against the immigration law, eyes are now turning to the Constitutional Council.

The Sages should revoke certain measures of the controversial text.

Which could benefit Emmanuel Macron... but also those of the National Rally.

It's rare enough to be stressed.

The presidential camp finds itself having the same hopes as Marine Le Pen's party... but not for the same reasons.

This Thursday, the Constitutional Council must rule on the immigration law, adopted forceps on December 19 by parliament.

A highly political issue because the Wise Men would have to revoke certain measures appearing in the text.

Which could suit Emmanuel Macron and the National Rally. 

Because the head of state is uncomfortable with the numerous concessions made to the Republicans during the negotiations.

Reason why he himself decided to refer the matter to the Constitutional Council.

Beyond its left wing, Macronie does not support, for example, the tightening of conditions of access, for foreigners, to housing allowances or even family allowances.

“We needed an agreement on this text” 

If these measures were adopted by the joint committee, it was "to move forward", underlined the President of the Republic during his major press conference last week.

“We needed an agreement on this text,” he explained.

From now on, he is counting on the Sages to iron out what his majority has conceded to the right. 



- Anti-immigration law demonstrations: 75,000 participants in France according to the Interior, 150,000 according to the CGT

On the side of the National Rally, censorship by the Constitutional Council would, paradoxically, be just as well received.

If Marine Le Pen and her people actually voted in favor of the text, a reversal of the most restrictive measures would, for them, be a way of demonstrating that a revision of the Constitution is necessary.