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A couple sits in front of the Acropolis in Athens


Louisa Gouliamaki / REUTERS

In the fight against aging society, the Greek government has announced an increase in the birth premium.

From April onwards, parents will receive 2,400 euros for their first child, 400 euros more than before, as Family Minister Sofia Zacharakis announced.

In the future, 2,700 euros will be paid for the birth of a second child and 3,000 euros for the third child.

Birth rate at 1.3 children per woman

The one-off payment was introduced in 2020 after the birth rate in the country fell as a result of the economic crisis.

In 2012 this was still 1.5 children per woman.

By 2019, the rate fell to 1.3 children per woman.

According to a census in 2022, Greece's population fell by 3.5 percent year-on-year.

The country also struggles with high youth unemployment.

Around 450,000 young Greeks have left their homeland in recent years to find work abroad.
