Donald Tusk, Polish Prime Minister, visits Ukraine to clear up some files

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk arrived this Monday morning at kyiv station.

This is the first trip to Ukraine for the new head of the liberal and pro-European government.

He is due to meet today with President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk during a press conference in Brussels, December 13, 2023. AFP - MIGUEL MEDINA

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Nothing is more important than support for Ukraine against Russian aggression

 ,” declared Donald Tusk on the spot, who will address the various disputes between Kiev and Warsaw.

Ahead of his visit, Prime Minister Donald Tusk reiterated his priority: the situation on the front line remains “

the number one question for Polish security


The Polish government is exploring the possibility of manufacturing more munitions and military equipment as part of a new aid program for Ukraine, Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski said last week.

Poland, which has hosted more than a

million Ukrainian refugees

since February 2023, has been an early ally of Ukraine in the face of the Russian invasion and is working to obtain more financial and military support from its Western partners.

Donald Tusk's visit, which follows

that of President Zelensky in Warsaw last April

, will therefore be scrutinized both in Ukraine, which needs this military and political support, and in Poland.

Read also Faced with the effects of the war, anti-Ukrainian sentiment is gaining ground in Poland

But other subjects are on the agenda for this highly anticipated trip, notably 

the discontent of Polish carriers

, reports our correspondent in Kiev,

Pierre Alonso


Since November, they have been blocking border crossing points to protest against competition deemed unfair by Ukrainian truckers.

An end to the crisis has been emerging since the conclusion of an agreement at the beginning of January, but the situation remains precarious.

And the leaders of the movement have warned that they will resume their blockade in the absence of a lasting solution.

Polish farmers' revolt

The other revolt is that of Polish farmers, angry at Ukrainian imports, authorized in an exceptional manner after the start of the invasion.

Polish producers accuse these cereals of undermining their own market.

In response, Warsaw pledged to establish a system of subsidies and loans for its farmers.

Read alsoPoland and Ukraine announce an agreement on grain transit

I know a farmer who had to go to Norway to earn money so that his family could continue to live on the farm.


Polish farmers angry at Ukrainian competition

Adrien Sarlat

Read alsoAgriculture: Janusz Wojciechowski, the Polish European Commissioner, in the spotlight


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