The 5th Hong Kong Youth Essay Competition Award Presentation

  Report from our newspaper, Hong Kong, January 21 (Reporter Chen Ran) The award ceremony of the 5th Hong Kong Youth Essay Competition with the theme of "Innovation and Technology Creates the Future" was held in Hong Kong on the 19th.

The competition aims to encourage young people in Hong Kong to broaden their horizons through thinking and creation, and to enhance their understanding of technological innovation and their sense of social participation.

  The event is hosted by Hong Kong Takung Wenwei Media Group, with the Education Bureau of the Hong Kong SAR Government serving as a special support organization.

The competition is divided into junior group, senior group, junior high school group and high school group. Each group will have one champion, two runners-up and two third runners-up, and a total of 20 merit prizes in the four groups.

The winning works of the competition will be compiled into a book by the Hong Kong Dagong Wenhui Media Group.

  Lou Bing, deputy general manager of Hong Kong Dagong Wenhui Media Group, said in his speech that since the launch of the competition, primary and secondary students across Hong Kong have actively participated, and a total of more than a thousand entries from 65 primary and secondary schools have been received.

The students expressed their thoughts directly and boldly imagined, describing their observations, assumptions and prospects about innovative technology and the future world from different angles.

He encouraged the students to set sail towards their dreams of innovation and technology and contribute to the development of innovation and technology in the country and Hong Kong in the future.

  Chen Weiwei, Director of the Information Department of the Hong Kong SAR Government, said that the theme of this competition "Innovation, Technology and Future" is closely related to innovation and technology, an important engine for the economic development of the country and Hong Kong.

He encouraged the students to have a deeper understanding of the development of innovation and technology, and to use what they have learned to serve the country and Hong Kong when they grow up.

  Liu Xinqiao, the junior high school champion, spoke as a student representative.

She said that her understanding of national scientific and technological innovation has been greatly improved during the creation process, and she hopes to learn more knowledge and serve the motherland.

(People's Daily Overseas Edition)