It was just over two weeks ago that two police officers in Huskvarna were attacked by a 35-year-old man with some type of stabbing weapon.

One of the police officers shot the suspect in connection with the incident - a shot that is said to have hit him in the leg.

Social Media

Now the investigators have brought in more witnesses who provided information about the incident - when people got in touch following a search warrant.

- Because I went out through the police's social media, we got a clue and got more witnesses who were heard, says Emma Harrius, prosecutor.

There have also been new interviews with the police officers involved - one of whom received life-threatening injuries from the attack.

The police were allowed to leave the hospital last week.

The 35-year-old has also been allowed to leave the hospital and taken to custody.

Body cameras

Some technical evidence has been sent in for analysis, but there is no filmed material of the incident, according to Emma Harrius.

- The message I have received is that nothing has been caught on the body camera, she says.

The suspect is in custody on probable cause, suspected of two counts of attempted murder, aggravated violence against a civil servant and attempted aggravated violence against a civil servant.

He denies any wrongdoing.

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Police seriously injured during operation in Jönköping.

This has happened.

Photo: TT