Efe / Europa Press Madrid


Updated Monday, January 22, 2024-15:06

A 30-year-old driver who caused an accident in Móstoles on December 1, 2022

in which a mother and her daughter lost their lives has acknowledged in court that he was drunk and drugged after a night of partying and has shown his regret.

"I am very sorry," he limited himself to stating during the trial held at the

Provincial Court of Madrid

when an agreement was reached in which he accepted a sentence of four and a half years in prison and complete loss of his driving license.

The events occurred around 9:40 p.m. when the defendant was driving "recklessly" along

Avenida de Extremadura

in Móstoles at the wheel of a vehicle he owned after having ingested alcoholic beverages and toxic drugs.

During the journey, he collided while traveling at more than 130 km/h against another car driven by a woman who was traveling with her two minor daughters.

As a result of the impact, the driver and her 12-year-old daughter died.

Prior to the oral hearing,

the parties have reached an agreement

regarding the defendant's recognition of the facts.

The accused's lawyer will ask the prison surveillance court once he is classified in the second degree that she can leave prison to go to an addiction rehabilitation center.

The prosecutor charges him with a crime of driving

under the influence of alcoholic beverages and toxic drugs and narcotic substances in competition with the rules with a crime of reckless driving in competition with the rule of article 382 of the Penal Code with two crimes of homicide due to serious imprudence and a crime of injuries.

According to the indictment, at around 9:40 p.m. on December 1, 2022, APA was driving "recklessly" along Avenida de Extremadura in Móstoles at the wheel of a vehicle he owned after having ingested alcoholic beverages and toxic drugs. .

And he did so "

at a speed higher than that permitted

on urban roads and committing traffic infractions" such as not leaving the roundabout through the regulatory exit "but turning directly to the left in the opposite direction of traffic, with serious danger of colliding with several vehicles that were traveling through the roundabout in the correct direction".

During the trip, the accused crashed while traveling at more than 130 km/h against another car driven by MCM and in which he was traveling with his two minor daughters who were trying to leave a parking lot to get onto the road.

As a result of the impact, the driver and her 12-year-old daughter died.

Her other 9-year-old daughter survived the collision although she suffered various injuries.

The cause of the road accident

, as pointed out by the Prosecutor's Office, was that the accused drove "in a manifestly reckless manner, specifically endangering both his companion in the vehicle and the rest of the road users."

After the impact, APA remained at the scene of the incident until the arrival of the emergency services and the

Municipal Police

officers , where a breathalyzer and toxicological test were performed, following which they observed compatible external symptoms in the accused. with the ingestion of alcoholic beverages, strong alcoholic halitosis, red conjunctiva, slow movements, he did not maintain verticality, his speech was slurry and repetitive.

They also noticed


of being under the influence of drugs or narcotic substances such as very red face and nose, appearance of nystagmus, slurred, hesitant and poorly articulated speech, repeating phrases or ideas, without stopping talking, and not being able to determine what time it was. , presented oscillations of the verticality of the body, lost balance, moved with uncoordinated movements or poor coordination of the eyes and hands.

In terms of civil liability, the Prosecutor's Office claims compensation from the accused for the death of the mother and daughter of 587,234.02 euros, with the insurance company being directly liable for civil liability.