Speak & Act 11:27 a.m., January 22, 2024

Speak & Act Rankings - In the dynamic and ever-changing world of higher education, selecting a school or university is a pivotal decision that can significantly influence a student's future.

It is in this context that Speak & Act, recognized as the leading employer and school brand platform in France, presents its annual "Best School Experience - Happiness Barometer" rankings for the year 2024, in partnership with JobTeaser, leader recruiting young talents.


This ranking, published today on Europe1, highlights the schools and universities offering

the best student experience

, based on feedback and

opinions from the students


The importance of

the student experience

, a crucial period of life, is at the heart of this study, which aims to identify establishments where it is not only good to study, but also to live.

Speak & Act, through this

CSR Best School Experience – Happiness Barometer label

, recognizes schools that stand out for the quality of their educational environment and their ability to promote the well-being and happiness of their students.

With this publication, Speak & Act continues to illustrate its commitment to improving the

student experience and provides valuable insight into students' preferred schools in 2024

, setting a standard of excellence in the world of higher education.

The student experience, a highly strategic issue for schools and universities in France

The student experience goes far beyond acquiring knowledge in the classroom.

It is a set of opportunities, interactions and environments that contribute to the personal and professional growth of students.

It plays an essential role in retaining students, attracting new talent and developing the reputation of a school or university.


Niels Tatem

, founder of Speak & Act, points out, "The number of educational institutions continues to increase, leading to intense competition to attract quality students. In this competitive environment, the student experience can differentiate between a school that is thriving and one that is struggling to survive. Therefore, schools that invest in a quality student experience stand out. Students and their parents are looking for schools that offer more than just an academic education. They want a well-rounded experience that prepares them for life and enriches them on a personal level.”


a positive student experience naturally attracts students


Positive word of mouth,

testimonials from satisfied alumni,

and favorable online reviews are all factors that encourage new students to choose a school.

And for good reason, it appears from the latest survey of the

Best School Experience – Happiness Barometer

CSR ranking and label from Speak & Act that 79% of students wish to recommend their school for the year 2024. Today more than ever, schools and Universities must take into consideration the question of the student experience, as being a highly strategic issue.

According to

Adrien Ledoux

, CEO of JobTeaser and partner of the Best label

School Experience – Happiness Barometer from Speak & Act, “In a constantly evolving educational landscape, meeting the clear expectations of young people is today an essential component of the strategy of schools and universities.”

The challenge of CSR for schools and universities

In the modern era of education, commitment to

CSR has become a key factor for academic institutions

aiming to attract the new generation of talents.

Students, eager to find meaning beyond the classroom, favor schools aligned with their values ​​of sustainability and social responsibility.

Some schools experience high satisfaction rates regarding the CSR initiatives undertaken.

This is particularly the case of


, whose students are 94% satisfied with the CSR actions implemented by their school.

According to

Alexis Michel, Director of ENIB,

 "our school has made CSR a central element of its educational signature and more broadly of its establishment project. Socio-ecological transitions, ethical questions, have taken their place in the teachings for almost fifteen years. The pedagogy, which values ​​commitment, service to the community and interdisciplinarity, serves this ambition. Welcoming audiences far removed from engineering, openness to all diversity, personal development and equal opportunities organize daily campus life. The other major functions of the school tangibly integrate DDRS issues (e.g. reduction of greenhouse gases and fluid consumption by nearly 50% for more than ten years) thanks to its own initiatives or by participating in those of communities. The shift is now taking place in research activities, drawing on the skills of our partners and the dynamics driven by Brest marine sciences and technologies which have a global influence.

Our students perceive these different commitments and support them."

What are the students' favorite schools for the year 2024 according to Speak & Act?

Establishments such as

Emlyon Business School


Excelia Business School

have established themselves as preferred choices in the business school sector, according to students.

For engineering schools,


stands out by maintaining its leading position, closely followed by prestigious names like

Télécom Paris


Mines Paris – PSL


The Best School Experience – Happiness Barometer 2024 survey, having collected

student opinions

from more than 700 institutions, highlights these schools for the exceptional quality of their




These results provide an overview of the best institutions for an enriching study path.

Photo credit: Speak & Act

Business schools

emlyon business school – Excelia Business School – Groupe ISC Paris - Campus Orléans BSB – EM Normandie – ESSCA School of Management – ​​IDRAC Business School – éklore-ed School of Management

Engineering schools

ESTIA – Télécom Paris – Mines Paris - PSL – Brest National Engineering School – UniLaSalle – EFREI Paris Panthéon-Assas University – ECAM-EPMI, Grande École d'Ingénieurs generaliste – EPF Engineering School – Esaip, Ecole d'Ingénieurs – IMT Mines Albi – ESIGELEC – Higher School of Foundry and Forging – ISEN Méditerranée – Grenoble INP - Pagora

Management, specialized and CFA schools

ISCAE Business School – A3FA – NBS France – ICL – UFIP Business School – IFAG - Management School – AKALIS - COLLÈGE DE PARIS – IHEDREA the school of agri and agro management – ​​ETS European school – ESUP - Actual Business School – iSCOD – CAMPUS INTERNATIONAL RIERA – Green Management School – ESI Business School – IET - Institute of Environment and Ecological Transition Professions – 3A – IC

FOR MODELS – Paris School of Luxury – Com'Institute – MAXWELL LEADERSHIP® – Excelia Digital Communication School – PSTC - Paris School of Tourism and Communication – IEJ Paris – Digital College – HEJ MONTPELLIER – ECS Paris – SUP'DE COM – Excelia Tourism School – IEFT – Paris School of Sports – IGEFI – ILERI – ESAIL – GARTI – ESPIM – lycée la Tourrache – ESMA – École Supérieure de Design de Troyes – CinéCréatis – SUPDEPROD – Suptertiaire Immobilier – School of Practicing Psychologists – CFA IGS – CIEFA – Isifa Plus Values ​​– Cyber ​​Management School – IRIS: Higher School of Computer Science – ENIGMA – UFITECH – IA School – SUPDEWEB – PMN School – WIS - The [tech] school of digital expertise – EPSI - The school of computer engineering – Viva Mundi, the language school for learning the world – IFTE IDF – IAE de Brest

Discover the 1st orientation guide for schools where it is good to study

Speak & Act's 2024 Orientation Guide is an essential tool for students searching for their future school, providing a comprehensive overview of programs, admissions criteria and student life.

This guide focuses on schools that value well-being, recognized by the RSE Best School Experience – Happiness Barometer label.

Download it for free to discover the best schools for

a fulfilling educational experience in 2024


Europe 1 did not participate in the writing of this article