At a quarter to ten in the morning, Fredrik Hallberg and three friends head out onto the ice at Asrike harbor on northeastern Lidingö.

They are on their way to the plowed track to go cross-country skating.

About sixty meters from them a wolf appears.

- It stands still when we first see it, and then I say: isn't that a wolf?

You can't really believe your own eyes, so it takes a while before the token falls.

You just admire it, it looked majestic.

It was very cool to see it so close.

Has become a talking point

Then it continues over the ice from Lidingö over to Bogesund.

In the middle of the walk, it stops and lies down for five to ten minutes - in the middle of the strait between the islands.

- It has become a talking point in the area, you overhear people mentioning it in the grocery store.

It's a bit of fun, says Fredrik Hallberg.

"100 percent safe"

Peter Rosenholm is a game warden on Lidingö, and has been out tracking the wolf.

- It is 100 percent certain that it is a wolf.

It has been observed inside central parts of Lidingö and then went out onto the ice at the northern part of the island.

Then it has deviated to the northeast, towards Bogesundslandet, says Peter Rosenholm.

Traces of the wolf's ice walk.

Photo: Fredrik Hallberg