
Updated Sunday, January 21, 2024-10:45

  • Latin America Dina Boluarte: "I have no interest in remaining in the Presidency of Peru"

The president of


, Dina Boluarte, was shaken this Saturday by a woman who managed to circumvent security measures and reached her during a visit to the southern Andean region of


, where ten people died during the anti-government protests at the end of 2022. and early 2023.

Boluarte had participated in the inauguration of a highway in an Ayacucho district when the woman managed to

pass under a truck parked

in the place where the president was with her entourage.

Images broadcast by Channel N television showed that, despite the large number of security agents and members of the Peruvian National Police (PNP), the woman reached the president, whom she shook for a few seconds, until she The security guards intervened and apparently arrested the aggressor.