The alarm that there was a fire in an apartment in Helsingborg came at 1.37 pm on Sunday.

When the emergency services and police arrived, many people had gathered around the house.

- It was both the public and relatives, says Evelina Olsson, police spokesperson in the South region.

The external commander of the rescue service, Morgan Belletti Bengtsson, says that there was heavy smoke on the lower floor when they arrived.

- But we managed to gain control and extinguish the fire relatively quickly, he says.

There were reports that people had stood in the way of the emergency services.

According to Evelina Olsson at the police, this happened because of the large crowd.

There is no evidence that it was deliberate.

- We were forced to turn people away and block off the site to facilitate the rescue work, says Evelina Olsson.

The fire is out and the emergency services have left.

A total of seven people first went to hospital, four of whom are children between the ages of three and ten.

A girl and a woman in their 40s are hospitalized with life-threatening injuries.

Another girl has suffered serious injuries.

Two boys, a woman in her 70s and a man in his 25s are admitted to Helsingborg's hospital with minor injuries.

Remaining at the scene are the police.

They are working to investigate what happened - but must wait for the fire scene to cool down.

- It usually takes about a day, says Evelina Olsson.

There is no criminal classification in this situation.