Senegal: Karim Wade's camp in shock after his exclusion from the list of candidates

Disappointment and incomprehension in the PDS party in Senegal.

Their candidate, Karim Wade, was removed from the list of candidates for the presidential election of February 25.

However, he had successfully passed the sponsorship control stage.

It was his dual Franco-Senegalese nationality that ultimately got the better of his candidacy.

His coalition denounces France's formalization too late.

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PDS candidate Karim Wade was excluded from the presidential race by the Senegalese Constitutional Court.

(illustrative image) © AFP

By: RFI Follow


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With our correspondent in Dakar


Juliette Dubois

Those close to Karim Wade were confident in submitting the candidacy file in December, but ultimately, according to the Constitutional Council, the son of the former president was still French until January 16, the date of the publication of a decree in the

Journal French



An incomprehensible timing for Maguette Sy, Karim Wade's representative.

It’s a surprise, our file was solid, we provided all the requested documents.

We do not understand why France waited until January 16 to issue a decree and publish it in the Official Journal.

Even though we no longer needed it.

Our renunciation was recorded on October 23, certified by the consul near the French embassy in Doha.

We say that it is a scheme against candidate Karim. 


In a communication on social networks during the night of Saturday to Sunday January 21, Karim Wade denounced an “ 

attack on democracy

» which is “

a continuation of the numerous violations of which [he has] been a victim for 12 years 

”, with his trial, his imprisonment and his exile.

The recent decision of the Constitutional Council is scandalous, it is a blatant attack on democracy.

This decision is based on false pretexts.

It violates my fundamental right to participate in the presidential election of February 25, 2024, while I…

— Karim Wade (@KarimWade_PR) January 21, 2024

He announced an appeal to the ECOWAS Court of Justice.


ECOWAS, the internationalization of the fight... But also the fight in Senegal.

We will remain mobilized, determined to block the path of this team which governs us and which serves French and foreign interests much more than Senegalese interests. 


And the PDS deputies announced this Sunday that they will request the establishment of a parliamentary commission of inquiry to investigate “ 

suspicions of conflicts of interest and collusion of certain members of the Constitutional Council 


A request that the candidate supports, also affirming that he will participate in the election “

in one way or another in the ballot

 ”. It remains to be seen whether he will support another candidate.

Another failed candidate: Ousmane Sonko.

But there, his coalition had anticipated and planned for several alternative candidates close to the movement.

He [Karim Wade] is Senegalese, like everyone else, we should have let him participate.

And leave Sonko and everyone.

This way it will be much more frustrating.


An election without Sonko or Wade: the mixed impressions of the Senegalese

Juliette Dubois


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