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An opinion poll conducted by Tel Aviv and Hebrew Universities revealed that 44% of Israelis believe that the policy of the government headed by Benjamin Netanyahu does not make them feel safe.

The poll stated that 33% of Israelis believe that the government is managing the battle in the Gaza Strip with great force, while 38% rated it reasonably.

65% of Israelis support launching a military operation against the Lebanese Hezbollah and removing its threat, while 82% support forming international pressure to remove the Hezbollah threat, while 41% believe that the government is bad in confronting Hezbollah.

Also, 47% of Israelis say that the government’s management of the battle against Iran is bad.

The families of Israeli detainees in Gaza continue to demonstrate in front of Netanyahu's house in Caesarea, south of Haifa, in an attempt to pressure him to conclude a deal with the Palestinian resistance to release their detained children in the Gaza Strip.

Yesterday, hundreds of Israelis demonstrated in downtown Tel Aviv in protest against the policy of the Netanyahu government in managing the war in Gaza. The protesters raised banners demanding the dismissal of the Israeli government, holding immediate elections, and forming a new government that seeks to unify the Israeli ranks.

Last week, about two thousand Israelis demonstrated in front of the Knesset headquarters and the headquarters of the Israeli government in occupied Jerusalem, to demand the overthrow of the current government, due to its failure to repel the attack on October 7 and return the prisoners detained in Gaza.

Tens of thousands had participated in a day-long protest gathering in Tel Aviv to demand the return of Israeli prisoners from Gaza, as the city witnessed the largest demonstration since the start of the war, in an effort to pressure the government to make the detainees file a priority.

It is noteworthy that Netanyahu's government is being widely criticized in Israeli circles, as a result of its failure to anticipate in advance the attack launched by the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) on the settlements surrounding the Gaza Strip on the seventh of last October, and to release detainees in the Strip.

Source: Al Jazeera