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Video duration 02 minutes 26 seconds 02:26

The international press continues to shed light on the developments of the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip and its internal and regional effects, as it focused on the growing divisions within the Israeli war council and their expected repercussions.

In this context, The Guardian newspaper wrote that the time for the departure of occupation Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has come, and Israel’s allies must press in this direction. It saw that his rejection of the American proposal regarding the two-state solution reflects the fact that he clings to power, and that he is not a peace partner, but rather an enemy.

Meanwhile, an article in Haaretz newspaper talked about an existential threat threatening Israel, and reviewed some of its signs, including the high percentage of Jews who believe in the idea of ​​permanently expelling the Palestinians, which represents an extremist environment that threatens democratic values ​​and the growing military threats on the anti-Israel fronts.

As for Le Monde newspaper, it discussed - in a report - the divisions within the Israeli War Council and their public appearance, and the inability of the leadership responsible for military operations in Gaza to make a decision regarding its future mission there. It also referred to the “hostages” file as the focal point around which most of the disputes revolve.

The Al-Monitor website published an article that raised a question about the possibility that the growing divisions within the Israeli War Council could lead to Netanyahu’s removal from power, and stated that what most reinforces these divisions is Netanyahu’s avoidance of answering questions about his plans for the next day after the war in Gaza.

As for the Washington Post, it highlighted the atrocities faced by Gazans in light of the collapse of the health system, based on the story of a doctor in Gaza who was forced to amputate his niece’s injured leg in the home kitchen without anesthesia or medical tools.

Source: Al Jazeera