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Video duration 04 minutes 31 seconds 04:31

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu continues not to take responsibility for any of the mistakes that occurred over the past period, while his political opponents, and then his allies at home and abroad, escalate their pressure on him.

When a journalist asked Netanyahu whether he bears responsibility for the failure that occurred on the 7th of last October, he replied that he is fighting the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), while the journalists are fighting him.

Despite his long experience in political manipulation, Yedioun Ahronoth newspaper says that Netanyahu is facing “a storm after State Comptroller General Matanyahu Engelman asked all Israeli military and security leaders to provide him with secret information and documents as part of an investigation he is conducting into the events of October 7.” And before that, to determine who is responsible for the Israeli failure.

According to a report prepared by Moaz Al-Khatib for Al-Jazeera, some members of the Likud Party and the ruling coalition began an attack on Netanyahu, including extremist National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir, who criticized the way the war was being conducted, and the approval of medicines entering the Gaza Strip without being examined.

But the most severe attack came from the War Council, where Council member and former Chief of Staff Gadi Eisenkot said that Netanyahu is primarily responsible for everything that happened on October 7th.

At the same time, Netanyahu faces accusations from the families of Israeli prisoners of obstructing efforts to release their families in order to remain in power.

The United States' frustration with the Prime Minister also increased, and they began to believe that he was running the war according to his personal interests, and their words became more offensive to him.

Source: Al Jazeera