Valérie Darmon SEASON 2023 - 2024 1:41 p.m., January 21, 2024

In the heart of the night, listeners freely surrender to the attentive and caring ears of Valérie Darmon.

No judgments or taboos, a frank conversation, but also answers to the questions that listeners ask themselves.

A moment of exchange and sharing conducive to confidence to leave with a lighter heart.

The listeners of the night: 



: After losing a friend to suicide.

Mina wants to alert people about being placed under guardianship.

Marie-France intervenes to tell her story. 


Jean Michel 

: Jean Michel created a humorous blog intended to popularize computing.

Pierre intervenes because he is looking for love on the internet.

Patrick, Isabelle and Valérie join the conversation.



: Aged 21, Paul shares his opinion on the social interactions of our time.