Police in northern Afghanistan have received reports that a plane has crashed, a spokesman for the Afghan police told Reuters.

The accident is said to have happened in the province of Badakhshan, a hard-to-reach province bordering China, Tajikistan and Pakistan.

The plane is said to have crashed into mountains in the area.

Zabihullah Amiri, spokesperson for the province, tells TOLOnews that it is a passenger plane, and that they were informed of the incident on Sunday morning.

No information on damage status

A team has been dispatched to the accident site, but it is in a remote and inaccessible area 200 kilometers from the provincial capital.

According to Amiri, it will take the team about twelve hours to get there.

They still have no confirmed information about what caused the crash or the state of injury of those on the plane.

The Russian aviation authority says that a Russian-registered plane with six people on board reportedly disappeared from radar over Afghanistan on Saturday evening.

It should have been an ambulance flight, and in the plane there should have been four crew members and two passengers, reports Reuters.

The plane is said to have been on its way from Thailand to Moscow via Uzbekistan but had stopped to refuel in India.

Russian authorities say they are in contact with their Afghan counterpart.

According to Indian authorities, it was not a commercial flight.