About 9 thousand participated in the Brussels demonstration (Anatolia)

Today, Sunday, tens of thousands of people took part in demonstrations in European and Arab cities to denounce the continued Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip for more than 3 months.

About 9,000 participated in a demonstration in Brussels in support of the Palestinians, which moved through the streets of the city and reached the neighborhood where the European Union institutions are based.

The march comes on the eve of expected meetings between the foreign ministers of the European Union countries and their Israeli, Palestinian, Egyptian, Saudi and Jordanian counterparts to discuss the war.

Participants in the march, which was organized under the slogan “Justice for Palestine,” chanted slogans such as “Stop genocide,” “Israel is a terrorist,” and “Liberate Gaza.”

Some also chanted, “Shame on the European Union,” denouncing what they consider the bloc’s failure to protect Palestinian civilians, while others urged a boycott of Israeli goods.

Demonstrator Victor Dumont told Agence France-Presse, "We must truly unite in the face of the genocide in Gaza, and fight to put an end to the Israeli occupation."

Yesterday, Saturday, demonstrators set out from the French capital, Paris, on a march in support of Palestine towards the Belgian capital, Brussels, with the aim of reaching it by the first of next February, to demand the imposition of “sanctions against Israel because of its violations in Gaza.”

The demonstrators gathered in Place de la République in Paris, raising Palestinian flags, as they called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

Another powerful show of support in Brussels for the #Palestinians – The people are with the Oppressed Palestinians while the Political Class stands with the Oppressor, the Apartheid #Israeli Regime… pic.twitter.com/2jK0NISKGG

— Mick Wallace (@wallacemick) January 21, 2024

Spanish endorsement

In Spain, Spanish Socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez announced his support for tens of thousands of people who demonstrated on Saturday in support of the Palestinians in several Spanish cities.

“We are also with all of them,” Sanchez said during a Socialist Party conference, referring to the demonstrations that took place “in many streets and villages in Spain to recognize the Palestinian state and stop the war.”

Demonstrations were organized, called for by the “Shabaka” platform, to denounce the occupation of Palestine under the slogan “Let’s stop the genocide in Palestine” in major Spanish cities, including Madrid, which witnessed the largest demonstration in which, according to the government, 25,000 people participated.

Spain is one of the countries in the European Union most critical of Israel.

Last November, a diplomatic crisis broke out between the two countries, and Israel summoned its ambassador to Spain for consultations due to statements made by Sanchez, which subsequently accused him of "supporting terrorism."

The Israeli ambassador returned to Madrid this month.

Sanchez stressed on Sunday that he condemns the attack by the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) and demands the “unconditional and urgent release of all hostages, but with the same determination, we say to the government of (Benjamin) Netanyahu that the indiscriminate bombing and killing of boys and girls and thousands of people in Gaza is unacceptable.”

He added, "We demand a permanent ceasefire, and we want humanitarian aid to enter Gaza, an international peace conference to be held, and the entire international community to recognize the Palestinian state."

#EnDirecto |

Sánchez bide "reconocimiento de Palestina", alto al fuego permanente de Gaza and the dice al Gobierno de Netanyahu: "No es admissible de bombardeo indiscriminado de niños y niñas" pic.twitter.com/t5GZTnhrIJ

— Europa Press (@europapress) January 21, 2024

European Union foreign policy chief Josep Borrell, also a Spanish socialist who attended the conference in Galicia, also expressed his support.

"We are very proud" that Borrell raised "the voice and banner of human rights, in Gaza and throughout the Middle East," he said.

On Friday evening at the University of Valladolid, which awarded him an honorary doctorate, Borrell said, “We believe that the two-state solution must be imposed from the outside in order to bring peace,” accusing the Israeli prime minister of “rejecting this solution.”

Morocco and Tunisia

In the city of Fnideq in northern Morocco, dozens of female human rights activists in Morocco participated in a protest, demanding an end to the war against Gaza, and denouncing the inability of the international community to stop the war.

The participants in the protest, which was called for by the Moroccan Association for Supporting the Nation’s Issues (a non-governmental organization), chanted slogans calling on the international community to intervene to protect civilians in Gaza, especially children, women and the elderly.

Anatolia reported that the participants raised banners denouncing “the inability of the international community to stop the war,” and the participants in the protest praised the steadfastness of Palestinian women, especially in Gaza.

The participants demanded to “stop normalization” and “put an end to the various agreements with Israel.”

Tunis, the capital, in turn, witnessed a popular protest in front of the US Embassy, ​​to renew the demand to stop the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip and to support the steadfastness of the Palestinian resistance.

Many Tunisian cities, including the capital, are witnessing solidarity vigils with the Gaza Strip, in which participants demand an end to the Israeli aggression on the Strip and the entry of aid.

Until Day 107, the ongoing Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip for more than 3 months has left 25,105 martyrs, 62,681 injured, and a humanitarian and health disaster. It has also caused the displacement of about 1,900,000 people, i.e. more than 85% of the Strip’s population.

Source: Agencies