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Demo in Munich


Michaela Stache / AFP

According to the organizers, up to 200,000 people took part in the large demonstration against right-wing extremism in Munich on Sunday.

“We are approaching 200,000,” was announced over loudspeakers on site.

The rally was then canceled for security reasons as the event area in the city center was completely overcrowded.

The police, however, speak of at least 80,000 participants.

That is also a large number - apparently so large that the authorities are considering canceling the demonstration due to security concerns.

A police spokesman told the dpa news agency on Sunday afternoon.

Discussions are currently being held with the organizer.

The protest is one of many currently nationwide - triggered by the revelations by the Correctiv research center about a meeting of right-wing extremists on November 25, 2023, in which AfD politicians as well as individual members of the CDU and far-right conservative so-called "Values ​​Union" took part.
