Efe Paris


Updated Sunday, January 21, 2024-17:30

The case of the French boy who lived alone between the ages of 9 and 11, for which his mother has been judicially convicted, has had an impact this week in France.

A court in Angoulême (in the center of the country) has sentenced the mother to

six months of electronic surveillance

, after considering abandonment proven because

she had gone to live with a friend

after divorcing her husband.

The boy stayed in the small town of Nersac and

ate as best he could

, with cold food that

he sometimes stole

and sometimes the neighbors of the

social housing block in which he lived

gave him .

Social services and the school did not detect anything because

the boy was a good student who did his homework

and came to the center properly dressed.

"I challenge anyone who can say that they would have detected this situation," he told the mayor of Nersac, Barbara Coutourier, to local media.

However, it was some neighbors who finally raised the alarm.

The 39-year-old mother defended her innocence in court, but was found guilty after the testimony of some neighbors and the prosecutor's investigation, which showed that there

was nothing in the apartment to indicate that an adult was present


the refrigerator was empty


In addition, telephone data showed that

the mother did not sleep with her son

or accompany him to school.