What does the framework agreement signed between Somaliland and Ethiopia contain?

This is an exclusive document obtained by RFI.

Entitled “Agenda for monitoring the framework agreement”, it lifts the veil on the points of discussion between Somaliland and Ethiopia.

Earlier this month, Hargeisa and Addis Ababa signed a framework agreement providing for the opening of an Ethiopian naval base and port on the coast of Somaliland.

A largely secret agreement, the news of which led to a serious diplomatic crisis in the region, Somaliland being a republic which proclaimed itself independent of Somalia.

The territory hopes that in exchange for this infrastructure, Ethiopia will recognize it as an independent country.

The document lists the points that Hargeisa wants to negotiate before a final agreement is reached.

The port of Berbera in Somaliland is at the heart of the agreement between Ethiopia and this small breakaway republic.

(illustrative image) AFP - ED RAM

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First key point, the 20km of territory and access to the sea that Somaliland must rent to Ethiopia.

What exact area?

What activities and types of boats will be authorized?

Hargeisa requests a clear definition of what will be permitted, the goods exchanged, with a common framework to manage customs, tariffs, security of the area on land and at sea, the movement of personnel and restrictions, particularly for the Ethiopian military. .

Indeed, regarding the naval base, Somaliland specifically wants to supervise the activities of the army of its big neighbor.

And Hargeisa insists: the site must have the sole purpose of “

 providing logistical support and fuel supply for the Ethiopian navy.

No offensive capabilities or large-scale military operations will be permitted 

,” the text indicates.

The territory also wants protocols to secure the area, and details on the number of soldiers as well as the type of personnel authorized.

Read also: Ethiopia signs an agreement with Somaliland to gain access to the sea

As for its recognition as an independent state, an almost existential point, Somaliland wants to know whether it will be “ 

de facto

 ” or “ 

de jure

 ”, that is to say contained in a legal act.

The text also requires a precise definition of the formalization process and a clear timetable for its application.

A chapter which therefore confirms that for the moment, Ethiopia has not yet recognized its neighbor.

Added to this is a vast communication strategy so that the population supports the agreement, but also to anticipate the concerns of neighbors.

The location of the port of Berbera, located in the breakaway region of Somaliland, Somalia.

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