Constant lateness is assessed negatively by 21% of respondents.

Abuse of perfume was noted by 18% of respondents, and approximately the same number (16%) do not like filler words in the speech of colleagues.

According to the survey, another 13% of study participants are irritated by slurping, 7% by clicking joints or a pen, or tapping a pencil on a surface.

The least annoying factor was the habit of biting nails or other objects - only 6% voted for it.

22% of respondents shared that other bad habits of their colleagues make them nervous, including abusing other people’s time, talkativeness, lack of organization and shifting responsibility.

In total, more than 3.5 thousand users over 18 years of age from all regions of the country took part in the survey of the service.

Earlier, analysts conducted a survey and found out what vacation-related plans Russians are making for 2024.

So, in

In 2024, 66% of Russians intend to take a vacation, and 34% of respondents have not yet decided on their plans.

According to experts, the most popular months for vacation were July and August - 37% of respondents each noted them.