The Austrian Martin Sellner is a frequent guest in Germany.

Only recently, at the beginning of January, he joined the farmers' protests in Dresden.

Or in November 2023 in a country hotel in Potsdam, where he presented plans to expel millions of people with a migration history from Germany to a group of politicians from the AfD and CDU, entrepreneurs and other participants.

Since Martin Sellner founded the right-wing extremist “Identitarian Movement” in Austria in 2012, he has become one of the most influential influencers of the so-called New Right.

And although he has now officially retired as the face of the movement, he continues to operate in the background, mobilizing supporters and trying to influence politics in Germany and Austria.

In the three-part podcast series from “Inside Austria” we talk about the New Right in Austria and Germany.

We want to know how Martin Sellner became your poster boy.

How influential and how dangerous his “Identitarian Movement” is.

In the weekly podcast “Inside Austria”, SPIEGEL and STANDARD look together at the big and small scandals in Austria.

Together with journalists from both editorial teams, we reconstruct cases and events that move the country.

We look into the political abyss, follow the investigations surrounding the Sebastian Kurz case and his ÖVP and provide information about an important Austrian topic of the week.