Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, January 19th. Title: Firmly adhere to the ideal of serving the country through science and technology and accelerate the realization of high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-reliance - General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions encourage engineering and technical personnel to innovate and strive for the first place.

  Xinhua News Agency reporter

  "We hope that the vast number of engineering and technical personnel across the country will firmly adhere to the ideal of serving the country with science and technology and benefiting the people, have the courage to break through key core technologies, forge high-quality projects, promote the development of new quality productivity, accelerate the realization of high-level scientific and technological self-reliance, serve high-quality development, and serve for Chinese-style modernization Comprehensively promote the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation and make greater contributions."

  General Secretary Xi Jinping made important instructions on the occasion of the first selection and commendation of the "National Engineer Award", which aroused enthusiastic responses among the majority of engineering and technical personnel.

Everyone expressed that they should be guided by the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions, have the courage to overcome difficulties, be determined to be the first in innovation, and contribute to accelerating the realization of high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-reliance.

  "General Secretary Xi Jinping's care and concern are both an encouragement and a spur to us." After receiving the honor of "National Outstanding Engineer Team", Zhou Li, the head of the R&D and Innovation Team of the Fuxing High-Speed ​​Train, was very excited. From catching up to taking the lead," to pointing out that "a successful example of my country's independent innovation is the high-speed rail." General Secretary Xi Jinping has always attached great importance to railway science and technology work and made comprehensive deployment guidance. The Fuxing EMU in the new era is running on the high speeds of the motherland. On the railway line, it has set a new benchmark for the construction and operation of high-speed rail in the world.

  "General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions highlight the Party Central Committee's strategic considerations and blueprint for the new era and new journey." Qin Daqing, winner of the title of "National Outstanding Engineer" and deputy chief engineer of Harbin Electric Group Co., Ltd., said that currently, a new round of The scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation are accelerating. We must strengthen technological innovation and the ability to solve complex engineering problems, and serve as a bridge between scientific discovery and industrial development.

  China Sky Eye, Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, Baihetan Hydropower Station... Many of the individuals and teams honored this time are leaders or core backbones of important weapons, equipment, and projects that benefit the country.

Everyone said that the number of engineers in our country ranks among the top in the world, but the problem of too many but not strong still exists, and there is still a huge gap in top talent.

General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions point out the way forward and provide fundamental guidance for accelerating the construction of a large-scale team of outstanding engineers.

  "The scientific research and education fronts must shoulder their responsibilities and further increase the independent training of engineering and technical talents." Li Yu, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and professor of Jilin Agricultural University, has been committed to research on edible and medicinal fungi technology and industrialization for more than 40 years. The cultivation of "small fungus" has become a "big industry", and it has also taken the lead in exploring and establishing the discipline of mycology in the country, and has trained nearly a thousand high-end talents in the field of edible and medicinal fungi.

  "In the future, we will innovate the talent training model through in-depth cooperation between schools, localities, schools and enterprises, improve the fungus talent training system, cultivate more outstanding agricultural engineers, and provide strong scientific and technological support and talent guarantee for industrial development and rural revitalization." Li Yu said .

  The China Sky Eye Engineering Team was awarded the title of "National Outstanding Engineer Team" in this selection and commendation. Team leader Jiang Peng couldn't help but recall the years when he worked hard and fought for the country.

After thirty years of technical research and four generations of scientific researchers’ continuous efforts, China Sky Eye has achieved a leap from catching up to leading the country’s radio telescopes.

  "We will continue to work together, pioneer and innovate, and maintain China's Sky Eye's leading capabilities among similar international equipment, so that big countries can produce more good results and great results with this important equipment," Jiang Peng said.

  Cultivating and creating a large number of outstanding engineers with both ability and political integrity is related to achieving high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-reliance, and is related to the long-term development of the country and the nation.

Li Kunping, director of the Organization and Personnel Department of the China Association for Science and Technology, said that the "National Engineer Award" has established a group of advanced models in the field of engineering technology and is conducive to creating a strong atmosphere of advocating engineering technology innovation and respecting engineers in the whole society.

Science and technology associations at all levels will thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions, unite engineering and technical personnel more broadly, continuously improve the social status of engineers, and create conditions for them to become talents and make contributions.

  "Engineering science and technology must ultimately serve the economy and people's livelihood. This is the ultimate value of engineers in great countries pursuing excellence." Li Mengnan, a doctoral student majoring in geotechnical engineering at China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing), understood and thought about his own goals from the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping. career choice.

  From the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau to the southeastern coast, Li Mengnan has visited more than a dozen mines, tunnels and wild slopes in recent years, working hard to solve key technical problems in landslide disaster early warning.

"We must follow the example of outstanding engineers who have been commended, adhere to the ideal of serving the country with science and technology, benefiting the people, and contribute our youth and wisdom to the construction of major national projects."

  Just two days ago, the Tianzhou-7 cargo spacecraft was launched into space, bringing a "New Year's gift" from our home planet to the Chinese Space Station.

Luo Guqing, a developer from the Fifth Academy of Aerospace Science and Technology Group who participated in the research and development of rendezvous and docking technology, learned the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping immediately.

  "We must live up to the expectations of the Party Central Committee, strengthen confidence, work together in unity, help my country's manned space industry achieve new leaps in the new era and new journey, and make greater contributions to comprehensively promoting the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization !" Luo Guqing said.

(Reporters Wen Jinghua, Zhang Quan, Peng Yunjia, Xu Penghang, Chen Yuxuan)