Gnarp's new plus house is a house that will produce more energy than it consumes.

The house itself must be extremely energy-efficient with the help of thick, well-insulated walls and solar panels on the roof that generate their own energy for the building.

In addition, body heat and excess heat from technical equipment are used to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature.

- The solar cell plant produces 28,000 kW hours per year, while the house's operation, heating and hot water draw around 15,400 kW hours per year.

So the house has a large surplus of energy production, says Patrik Östberg supervisor.

There are eight apartments in the house

There are a total of eight apartments, four two-bedrooms and four three-bedrooms, varying in size from 53 to 83 square meters.

Currently, two apartments are already rented out, but the house has generated significant interest among potential tenants.

According to Olof Pettersson, interest in the apartments has increased further after the showing that was held on Thursday.

In the video above, you can hear how much the apartments cost to rent and how the house generates energy.