Europe 1 with AFP / Photo credit: Loïc Venance/AFP 5:50 p.m., January 20, 2024

These two men were arrested and then taken into custody on Wednesday.

They are suspected of having participated in around ten fires or criminal damage in Corsica claimed by the Ghjuventù Clandestina Corsa movement.

Corsica is currently experiencing an increase in arson and explosions.

Two men were presented on Saturday in Paris to an anti-terrorism investigating judge with a view to possible indictment, suspected of having participated in around ten fires or criminal damage in Corsica claimed by the Ghjuventù Clandestina Corsa (GCC) movement. , “illegal Corsican youth”), AFP learned from a judicial source.

These two men were arrested and then taken into custody on Wednesday.

Each person is accused of around ten facts.

The National Anti-Terrorism Prosecutor's Office (Pnat) requested their placement in pre-trial detention.

A judicial investigation relating to “around twenty acts of damage and destruction by fire committed in 2022-2023 and claimed by the GCC” was opened on Saturday by the Pnat.

It targets the offenses of criminal association with a view to preparing acts of terrorism, destruction by dangerous means in relation to a terrorist enterprise and damage, deterioration by dangerous means in relation to a terrorist enterprise.

An increase in arsons and explosions

The custody of a third man, who was already incarcerated, was lifted without further action at this stage.

A fourth man was also taken into custody as part of another procedure, opened for destruction by dangerous means in an organized gang and in connection with a terrorist enterprise and terrorist criminal association.

He was released Thursday afternoon, with no further action at this stage.

Corsica is currently experiencing an increase in arson attacks and explosions mainly targeting second homes, most often accompanied by nationalist tags.

Town halls were also targeted.



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The Corsican National Liberation Front (FLNC) and the GCC each claimed a certain number of them.

Gjhuventu clandestina Corsa formalized its existence in February 2023, presenting itself as “the armed arm of a revolutionary movement”, which took up the FLNC struggle.