Eduardo Verbo

Updated Friday, January 19, 2024-22:42

  • Education Enrique Rojas: "I see 20-year-olds who look like they are 12"

  • Interview Marian Rojas Estapé: "For the first time in history, young people are less intelligent than the previous generation"

On November 16, 2014,

Almudena Rojas Estapé

, the youngest of the five children of psychiatrist Enrique Rojas

and Isabel Estapé

, a notary and stockbroker, took the habit and became a

cloistered Carmelite

of the Monastery of La Encarnación in Ávila.

And, despite the vows of poverty that she embraced along with those of chastity and obedience, she became

the richest nun in the congregation

founded by Saint Teresa for a year, specifically until December 1, 2015. It was then that the Today Sister Almudena María de la Esperanza stopped being the representative of the

family real estate company, Triana 88 SL,

dedicated to the

acquisition and leasing of properties

, to devote herself to "ora et labora".

Founded in 1988, her parents and her three sisters,


consultant and "motivational leader" are also part of this company;


psychotherapist and journalist, and Marian, psychiatrist and best-seller with her self-help books.

The only son, Enrique, died after drowning in the family pool when he was only two years old.

A tragedy.


Rojas Estapé

have found a more than profitable business in this sector, according to the latest data provided by the company, which, on January 5, as a financial epiphany,

expanded its share capital

- the sum of the assets it owns. the entity - in 599,996.33 euros with a resulting total of 4,735,543 euros.

Today, the company has a total asset of 5,571,744 euros, according to the commercial report to which LOC has had access, which also points out that profitability

is "excellent"


But Triana 88 SL is not only dedicated to the brick sector, but also to wine.

Isabel Estapé with her daughters Isabel and Marian in 2013.EM

Enrique Rojas and his family manage the

Reyes Magos winery

, coming from a small family vineyard located on the Tajuña balcony, southeast of Madrid, where they produce Oicos, "which arises from the fusion of the love of wine, oil and the art of Vanguard".

It is a

wine made with the Syrah grape,

one of the varietals that made Carlos Falcó, the late Marquis of Griñón, famous as a winemaker.


bottle labels

are illustrated with abstract drawings made by Enrique Rojas himself, a

great follower of Tàpies


"Wine is an antidepressant (...) It drives away ghosts from the mind, negative things," said Enrique Rojas, who

directs the Rojas Estapé Institute

, the consultation started by his father, the psychiatrist

Luis Rojas

, in the issue 100 Serrano Street in Madrid, the most expensive street in Spain, another great job, which has generated an asset of 2,461,299 euros.

The figures are dizzying.

Rojas has never hidden that he belongs to

Opus Dei


"We are practicing Catholics.

We get into the car and pray the rosary

, we read the gospel as a family..."

A breeding ground that pushed her youngest daughter to become a nun.

However, despite these statements and, even if he did not have the rest of the companies, Rojas would be a millionaire only with the copyrights generated throughout his 75 years.

By 2017, he had sold more than three million copies

of the more than 20 books he has written in his own handwriting.

They are all very successful and

have been translated into several languages.

This is incontestable.

A theory of happiness

reached at least 30 editions;

Remedies for heartbreak

, 22... and so on until his last book,

Understand your emotions

, which he promotes with passion.

Enrique Rojas and Isabel Estapé arrive at the 40th wedding anniversary party of Aznar and Ana Botella in 2017.GTRES

According to some of his patients, the doctor often recommends his works even in consultations.


the psychiatrist of the jet set

, among his friends are José María Aznar and Ana Botella, Ana Pastor, Tamara Falcó,

José Manuel Soria

, former Minister of Industry, or José Luis Martínez-Almeida, mayor of Madrid, who presented one of their books.


overwhelming editorial triumph

is shared with her daughter

Marian Rojas Estapé,


most read author in 2022

with her books

How to make good things happen to you

(2018) and

Find your vitamin person

(2021), both published by Espasa and

the two most sold in Spain that year


During an interview given to EL MUNDO by the author, the publisher celebrated the phenomenon.

"It is the first time that

the first two positions are occupied by works by the same author

(...) And it is the first time that these two positions are for books not published during the year."

The revolution does not stop.

The first has had

more than 55 editions

, the last one in October 2023, and

more than one million copies sold


The second, 26 editions as of November 2023 and more than 600,000 sold.

Taking into account that each book costs about 20 euros, an approximate calculation of the sales profits would be more than three million euros.

Marian Rojas Estapé, the most read author in 2022.BERNARDO DÍAZ

Another benefit of Marian is the Instagram algorithm.

Anyone who has a profile on this social network knows how difficult it is to escape, if they wanted to, his theories about how the

hormone cortisol

contaminates our lives.

However, when God gives a gift, he also gives a whip with which to punish himself, to paraphrase Capote.

Marian admits to having had problems.

"The day I released my first book

I was going through a really difficult personal moment

, with a very sick child and pregnant with another."

Dr. Rojas also

suffered greatly from the loss of his son Enrique


"If God has allowed it, it will be for something good."

However, it has a

recipe for happiness.

"You have to have good health, a bad memory and overcome seriousness," proclaims Enrique Rojas.

And we could add that drinking up to three glasses of wine, the limit of what is healthy, according to the psychiatrist who, clearly, is also a

great entrepreneur of himself... and of his family
