"We hope that the vast number of engineering and technical personnel across the country will firmly adhere to the ideal of serving the country with science and technology and benefiting the people, have the courage to break through key core technologies, forge high-quality projects, promote the development of new quality productivity, accelerate the realization of high-level scientific and technological self-reliance, serve high-quality development, and serve for Chinese-style modernization Comprehensively promote the construction of a strong country and make greater contributions to the great cause of national rejuvenation." Recently, General Secretary Xi Jinping made important instructions on the occasion of the first selection and commendation of the "National Engineer Award", putting forward ardent hopes for the majority of engineering and technical personnel, emphasizing the important role of engineers in the cause of the party and the country It plays an important role in the overall situation and points the way forward for promoting the construction of the engineer team in the new era.

The General Secretary’s important instructions will surely encourage our country’s engineering and technical personnel to study their business intensively, work hard, continuously break through key core technologies, and create new high-quality projects and “important weapons for a great country”.

  Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, there have been frequent good news in the field of engineering technology in our country.

The "Chang'e" flight to the moon, the "Sky Eye" sounding, the "Jiaolong" sea exploration, the Beidou network, and the first flight of a large aircraft are all major projects that have been launched one after another, which has effectively promoted my country's high-level scientific and technological self-reliance.

The impressive achievements that have attracted worldwide attention are inseparable from the hard work and courageous efforts of the vast number of engineering and technical personnel.

The 81 "National Outstanding Engineers" and 50 "National Outstanding Engineer Teams" commended this time are outstanding representatives of the engineering team in the new era.

  "Engineers are an important force in promoting engineering science and technology to benefit mankind and create the future. They are an important part of the country's strategic talent force." We must deeply understand this important conclusion of General Secretary Xi Jinping and deeply understand the critical responsibilities shouldered by the country's strategic talents.

On the one hand, progress and innovation in engineering science and technology will continue to liberate and develop productivity and produce strong spillover and linkage effects, which play an important role in accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system and promoting high-quality development.

On the other hand, as the world is undergoing major changes unseen in a century, technological breakthroughs in major projects in any field may trigger new industrial and social changes. We must always remain forward-looking.

  Facing the future, we must thoroughly implement the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education, the strategy of strengthening the country through talent, and the strategy of innovation-driven development, and do a good job in the work of engineering and technical talents in the new era with the spirit of reform and innovation.

It is necessary to further increase the independent training of engineering and technical talents, continuously improve the social status of engineers, and create conditions for them to become talents and make contributions.

It is necessary to vigorously create a strong atmosphere of thinking about talents, working hard, overcoming difficulties, and striving for innovation, and accelerate the construction of a team of engineers who love the party and serve the country, are dedicated to their work, have outstanding technological innovation capabilities, and are good at solving complex engineering problems.

  Great times breed outstanding talents, and great causes call for outstanding talents.

Forging ahead on a new journey, the vast number of engineering and technical personnel across the country must thoroughly implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important exposition on promoting the development of engineering science and technology, follow the example of the commended national outstanding engineers and the national outstanding engineer team, keep in mind the original aspiration and mission, and have the "big country" in mind. Those who carry forward fine traditions, sharpen the "craftsman spirit", persist in winning the protracted battle for key core technologies, and contribute wisdom and strength to comprehensively promote the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization.

  (CCTV commentator)