On the 19th, the Zhuque-3 reusable rocket's vertical return technology completed its first flight test at my country's Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center.

This test was completed by the Blue Arrow Aerospace VTVL-1 test rocket, which verified the rocket's vertical recovery capability at low altitude and low speed, the matching of the control system and engine thrust performance, and the guidance control algorithm of the rocket's vertical recovery.

  "This lays an important technical foundation for Zhuque-3 to achieve its first flight in 2025," said Dai Zheng, commander-in-chief of Zhuque-3.

  The news spread to the Zhejiang Blue Arrow Aerospace Huzhou Intelligent Manufacturing Base thousands of kilometers away, and cheers erupted from the base.

The improved 80-ton liquid oxygen methane engine of the same type as the Suzaku-2 rocket equipped for this test rocket was assembled here.

  Previously, the Zhuque-2 Yao-2 carrier rocket was launched from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center and completed the mission according to procedures. The launch mission was a complete success.

Zhuque-2 became the world's first liquid oxygen methane rocket to successfully enter orbit, marking a breakthrough in the application of new low-cost liquid propellants in my country's launch vehicles.

  Liquid oxygen methane is a rocket fuel made from a mixture of liquid oxygen and methane.

Methane, the main component of natural gas, has become a fuel option that rocket engine researchers cannot ignore.

  Aerospace experts believe that liquid oxygen methane rockets have entered a period of rapid development around the world. Facing future large-scale space and flight transportation needs, large-thrust, high-performance, reusable liquid oxygen methane engines are the main liquid-based rockets. important direction for power development.

  It is reported that the Zhuque-3 reusable rocket is my country's first stainless steel liquid launch vehicle, using liquid oxygen and methane as fuel.

The Zhuque-3 rocket body has a diameter of 4.5 meters, and one sub-stage is designed to be reused no less than 20 times. It has the ability to launch multiple satellites with one rocket and flat-plate stacked satellite clusters.

The Suzaku-3 tank structure is made of high-strength stainless steel, and the launch cost can be reduced by 80 to 90 percent compared to disposable rockets.

  "The stainless steel rocket body structure can significantly reduce the manufacturing cost of the rocket and shorten the production cycle. Its high temperature resistance has obvious advantages in the rocket's multiple returns and reuse. The first-stage engine of the Zhuque-3 rocket does not need to be lowered for inspection after the rocket is recovered. Once refueling is completed, it can fly again, enabling true flight operations." Zhang Changwu, founder and chairman of Blue Arrow Aerospace, said that Zhuque 3 will link rocket research and production in an industrialized manner to achieve efficient rocket manufacturing.

(CCTV News Client)