It was on Monday that Region Värmland called a press conference to present additional savings plans due to the severely strained economy.

The deficit for 2023 is expected to be approximately one billion kroner.

One of the proposals in the savings plans is to close the emergency hotline in Arvika - which led to strong reactions from several quarters.

Employees at the emergency room, ambulance manager, business owners in Arvika and the opposition have directed harsh criticism at the proposal.

Many in place

On Friday evening, thousands of people gathered in the square in Arvika to demonstrate against the proposal.

It was the municipal politicians in Arvika who took the initiative for the demonstration, and the people of Arvika were not slow to catch on.

Why are you here today?

- To stop this nonsense.

Do we want our hospital to remain, says Arvika resident Lena Dahlström.

Regional Council: "Always difficult"

Earlier on Friday, regional councilor Åsa Johansson (S) spoke out for the first time about the criticism of the savings plans.

- It is always difficult to implement things that make the population feel less safe, says Åsa Johansson.

See in the clip what it looks like when the Arvikas demonstrate.