China News Service, January 19. According to a report by Agence France-Presse on January 18, in response to the tragic experience of American freelance journalist James Foley, who was kidnapped by an extremist organization while reporting on the Syrian civil war in 2012 and was eventually beheaded, Foley's mother Dai Ann Foley made a sharp criticism of then-U.S. President Obama and his administration in her book "American Mother," co-written with Irish writer Colen McCain.

  According to reports, in the book, Diane Foley recalls her pleas to the U.S. government during her son's 21-month detention.

  She said she quit her job and traveled to Washington to seek help.

  "I was very naive. I really didn't know anything about government. I thought everyone was trying to help. The reality is, no one was responsible for bringing benefits home."

  "They would have me run around in circles, they lied to me, and they were very arrogant." Diane Foley said that the then-U.S. Obama administration stubbornly adhered to the policy of rejecting all hostage negotiations and even threatened to take legal action against families who tried to negotiate privately. action.

  In the book, Diane Foley reveals that countries such as France have successfully released some hostages by secretly paying ransoms, even though these governments have denied it for fear of triggering more hostage-taking incidents.

  In August 2014, Foley was beheaded by extremist groups after negotiations failed.

Diane Foley describes her experience confronting Obama at the White House three months after her son's death.

She blamed the administration's treatment of American hostages, saying they were being abandoned, to which Obama had no response.

  Diane Foley also mentioned how she expressed displeasure when Obama expressed condolences to Foley's family during a vacation and was then photographed playing golf.

  She admits she still feels very emotional about the topic, which is why she chose to commission McCain to write the book.