Luis F. Durán Madrid


Updated Friday, January 19, 2024-00:12

The three brothers found dead yesterday with signs of violence in their home in Morata de Tajuña (Madrid) were attacked with hammer blows several months ago by a lender who demanded money they owed him at the door of their house, but they did not report this attack. .

The two murdered sisters, aged 70 and 68, were able to turn to this man to leave them around 30,000 euros to continue paying money to a North American soldier whom they met online, with whom they had a long-distance love relationship and who asked them a monthly amount in exchange for giving them an alleged inheritance of seven million euros.

Their entire family and friends warned them that this man was a scammer

and that he could be a false character who tried to deceive them, but they were obsessed with that virtual story, according to their loved ones and neighbors.

That supposed boyfriend on the internet has a name, Edward, with at least a dozen profiles on social networks, something that suggests that this person has been able to deceive more people.

These types of scammers

take advantage of social networks to fake adverse personal situations, creating an emotional bond with the victim


Over time, situations escalate and demand urgent monetary solutions.

The Civil Guard is investigating whether the brothers' triple crime is related to the debt that the two murdered women had incurred after being the victim of a love scam.

It is estimated that the two women sent up to 400,000 euros to the two soldiers.

The bodies of Amelia, Ángeles and Pepe, aged between 68 and 72, were found yesterday partially burned, stacked and with traces of blood in one of the rooms of their single-family home.

The neighbors had not heard from them for more than a month and they were the ones who raised the alarm.

In the municipality of Morata de Tajuña (8,000 inhabitants, southeast of the capital) it was an open secret for years that the two sisters had an online romance with two North American soldiers whom they had met on Facebook and with whom they spoke. curiously in Spanish and never by video calls.

Angeles and Amelia's two American boyfriends were very handsome.

They themselves showed their photos in the town.

They were convinced that very soon they would meet face to face.

Meanwhile, the two men began to ask the two sisters for money for a business.

Both even went so far as to sell an apartment in Ciudad Lineal and run out of savings.

Recently, one of the two soldiers told the sisters that his partner had died and that he had decided to leave them an inheritance of about seven million euros.

The alleged scammer asked them for more money to legally unlock the legacy.

Since then, one of the deceased began to regularly send money to the account of her boyfriend Edward, who kept asking her for more and more liquidity with various excuses.

Pepe, the middle brother, had a mental disability, Amelia had worked in an antiques store and Ángeles had been a teacher, before retiring.


they allocated their income as pensioners to the two soldiers.

"When they received their pensions on the 25th, they automatically sent the money," confirmed a neighbor.

They claim in the Madrid municipality that the two sisters boasted to many people that they were going to receive a succulent inheritance from the American soldier.

Many told them that they could be victims of a scam, but the women denied it and claimed that

the man had fallen in love and that they would soon be together


One of them even went so far as to say that even the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, had written to them due to the supposed million-dollar inheritance of his boyfriend.

The two sisters went from having a wealthy life to suffering financial problems.

They asked acquaintances for money and indicated that they could pay them back twice as much as they borrowed.

Several neighbors have reported having had this experience with the victims, including the town priest, although none of them know that the money was ultimately lent in any case.

This caused conflicts with friends.

When they were left with zero accounts and unable to get money from their acquaintances or friends, the youngest sister, Amelia, convinced the other two to ask for loans from several people of dubious reputation.

The residents claim that recently a stranger showed up at the brothers' house brandishing a hammer in his hands and demanding money that had not been returned.

There are several neighbors who claim that this man

hit one of her two sisters and caused her injuries


Despite this fact, the Police and the Civil Guard do not record any complaints from the women regarding these events.