China News Service, Beijing, January 19 (Zheng Shuyi) The "Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Research and Interpretation of Major Achievements in the Modern Civilization of the Chinese Nation" was held in Beijing on the 18th.

This press conference is the first major results conference of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in 2024. It is also the first major results conference of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences’ project to study and interpret the modern civilization of the Chinese nation.

  Zhen Zhanmin, vice president of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and member of the Party Leadership Group, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Hu Bin, director of the Scientific Research Bureau, presided over the meeting. Guo Jianhong, deputy director of the Scientific Research Bureau, announced the list of published results and gave a brief introduction. Representatives of authors of published results and representatives of research institutes attended the meeting.

  This press conference focused on "research and interpretation of the modern civilization of the Chinese nation" and recommended "a profound understanding of the historical significance and contemporary value of the outstanding characteristics of Chinese civilization", "a guiding light for building a modern civilization of the Chinese nation" and "a profound understanding of the outstanding unity of Chinese civilization". "A historical investigation of the mutual agreement between Marxism and China's excellent traditional culture" and "A profound understanding of the original significance of the "second combination"", as well as "Philology of Medieval Literature (Updated Edition)" and " Ancient Legal Materials (Ten Volumes)" "Research on the Governance System of Chinese Dynasties" "The Significance of Regional Civilization and Communication: The Archaeological Construction of the Bronze Age in the Chengdu Plain" "The Duke of the World in the Era of Family and State: The Construction of Classical Political Concepts", etc. Five books.

  Among the five works, "Philology of Medieval Literature (Updated Edition)" is an updated version of "Philology of Medieval Literature" published in 1997 by Liu Yuejin, a member of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

The time of the Middle Ages is limited to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty to the Sui Dynasty.

The length has been increased from more than 300,000 words in the first edition to 650,000 words in the new edition, and new research results and newly discovered literature materials in the academic field in the past two decades have been added.

  "Ancient Legal Materials (Ten Volumes)" was compiled by 20 scholars over a period of more than 10 years, compiling scattered legal materials from tens of thousands of ancient books, including bronze inscriptions, bamboo slips, tablets, Han Lings, money laws of the Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties, There are 20 kinds of published results, including Tang Dynasty, Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, and Song and Yuan legislation, which have solved the problem of lack of legal data in many aspects for the development of legal history research.

  "Research on China's Past Dynasties Governance System" studies China's past dynasties' governance systems from a long-term, historical academic perspective. It is divided into eleven main chapters such as "Administration and Supervision" and "Official Administration and Employment", focusing on revealing "China's past dynasties national governance systems" The formation reasons and development process.

  "The Significance of Regional Civilization and Communication: Archaeological Construction of the Bronze Age in the Chengdu Plain" reveals the foundation of the Neolithic civilization in the Chengdu Plain, the cultural and social appearance of the Bronze Age, and the unified integration of the Qin and Han dynasties, highlighting the role of communication in the region The significance of the emergence and development of civilization illustrates the ability of archeology to effectively construct a coherent history of a specific region.

  "The Duke of the World in the Era of the Family and the State: The Construction of Classical Political Concepts" provides an overall explanatory framework for Chinese classical political thought from the perspective of "political publicity" and summarizes it as the politics of "the Duke of the World". Helps understand the modern transformation and development of China's traditional political concepts.
