Scam ads are by no means a new phenomenon on social media.

Paid advertisements where familiar faces, both Swedish and international, allegedly advertise various scam products and services have existed on the major social media platforms such as Facebook for over a decade.

The platforms' assurance that they are trying to do something about the problem has been a companion for about as long.

Since November 2023, 240 advertisements dealing with "Mr Beast casino" have been run on Facebook and Instagram, aimed at people in Sweden, according to Meta's ad library.

The campaigns are mostly aimed at men.

Photo: Meta's advertising library

AI enables deepfakes

Until recently, these scam ads have mostly been relatively primitive still images.

But the AI ​​technology that has exploded in popularity and accessibility recently has changed the rules of the game.

Now it is possible to get, for example, a presenter for Rapport to say anything, something that is now being used in a new campaign.

In the video above, you can see examples of what the deepfake ads look like, and hear how SVT will deal with the problem.