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Wind turbines in the Allgäu

Photo: Paul Langrock / Paul-Langrock.de

The expansion of wind power in Germany in 2023 was significantly behind the goals the traffic light coalition had set itself.

This emerges from a response from the federal government to a request from CDU member of the Bundestag Christoph Ploß.

It says: "According to preliminary information from the Federal Network Agency, onshore wind turbines with a total output of 3.4 gigawatts (GW) were built in Germany in 2023, as well as a offshore wind farm in the Baltic Sea with an output of 0.3 GW."

Scholz had announced that “an average of four to five wind turbines per day” should be added on land alone by 2030 so that the goal of an output of around 115 gigawatts per year can be achieved in 2030.

Planning, approval and construction of a wind turbine currently takes five to seven years.

The government is trying to speed up this process.

In order to achieve the goal of a total of 145 gigawatts on land and at sea, 10 gigawatts of output would have to be added per year instead of the 3.7 gigawatts achieved last year.

“Shutting down nuclear power plants and missing the expansion targets for renewables: The traffic light coalition is doing pretty much everything wrong in energy policy that can be done wrong,” says Ploß.

»If we want to achieve the climate goals, make electricity cheaper for citizens and create jobs in Germany, we urgently need a lot more climate-friendly electricity.

This energy policy of the traffic light coalition is a catastrophe for Germany as a business location," said the CDU MP.
