- When we have civilian responders in the community, we get someone who, in the event of a fire, for example, can run there and start extinguishing, says Peter Helge, rescue manager in Vimmerby municipality.

Anyone who wants to become a civilian emergency responder first needs to receive training in fire protection and healthcare.

After passing the training, he can register as a civilian responder and then receive an alarm from SOS via an app on his phone.

- We do not alert civilian response personnel on all alarms.

If it is, for example, a fire in industry, there are too many risks involved.

It could rather be a fire in a villa.

But answering the alarm is completely voluntary.

Run as a project

During the past year, the civil response person has started to be run more organized as a project on the initiative of the Fire Protection Association.

The association cooperates, among other things, with MSB, the rescue service and insurance companies around the country.

But Peter Helge says that it is important to think about whether it is something you want before you go into it.

- At an accident scene, there can be a certain amount of stress.

You should therefore think about whether you are mentally prepared and really want to do this.