On the front page of the press this Friday, January 19: the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip.

In the enclave, the shadow of famine lurks.

This is what


reports in its columns.

On site, UNWRA welcomes 1.4 million Gazans out of around 2 million displaced people.

How to drink, eat, sleep or even go to the toilet in this context?... So many questions that residents try to answer daily.

According to a study, 64% of Gazans admitted to eating grass or expired products for food.

The newspaper also returns to the terrifying conditions of pregnant women in the enclave.

The few hospitals that are still functional are overwhelmed, and women find themselves giving birth in their tents or even in the toilets of displaced sites.

According to MSF, there are 50,000 pregnant women in the enclave, 180 of whom give birth every day.

The ordeal of the inhabitants is accentuated by the absence of prospect of ending the crisis.

The international press relays the stubbornness of Benjamin Netanyahu.

The Israeli newspaper 


 returns to the Prime Minister's refusal to consider a Palestinian state.

“Israel must have security control over the entire territory west of the Jordan River,” he explains, as the United States pushes for a two-state solution.


New York Times

 also relays these divergent points of view of the two allies.

Washington reiterates that there is "no way" to rebuild Gaza, ensure lasting security or establish governance there without a Palestinian state.

If Benjamin Netanyahu seems firm on the international scene, on the other hand on the national scene, he is more weakened.

A first charge came from the war cabinet minister, Gadi Eisenkot, tells

The Times of Israel


He believes that Benjamin Netanyahu is not telling the Israelis the truth when he says he wants to “eradicate Hamas”.

Gadi Eisenkot believes that trust is broken between the Israeli people and the Prime Minister.

He thus calls for the organization of elections.

The second charge is judicial, as reported by 



Benjamin Netanyahu is killing time to avoid facing his responsibility, the daily headlines.

The newspaper thus recalls that Israeli justice has begun examining three corruption cases targeting the Prime Minister and for which Benjamin Netanyahu declares himself innocent.

The newspapers also return to the bombings between Iran and Pakistan.

It’s the shepherd’s response to the shepherdess, as Pakistan Today

writes  .

 Islamabad yesterday targeted terrorist targets in Iran, in response to the bombing of Tehran the day before.

Pakistan is thus indirectly inviting itself into the conflict between Hamas and Israel, headlines the

New York Times


According to the daily, these strikes illustrate Iran's desire to continue to expand its influence and power in the region.

The American newspaper, however, excludes any conflagration, as does



Neither of these two countries seems ready to assume an escalation, which would lead to open war. 

Calls for calm have increased in recent hours.

Turkey, Russia and the European Union have called on both countries to exercise restraint.

Beijing, for its part, wants to act as a mediator to avoid a new conflict in the region. 

L'Orient le jour

believes that Iran, after striking Syria, Iraq and Pakistan, wants above all to dissuade the United States and Israel from attacking its allies.

Tehran also hopes to reassure its allies, and in particular the Houthis, after the American and British strikes against the Yemeni rebels.

In France, the newspapers are interested in Jordan Bardella, who is the author of hateful messages on social networks.

The accusation came, first of all, from the France Télévision magazine

Complément d’investigation.

 An accusation corroborated by



The president of the National Rally thus allegedly maintained an anonymous Twitter account, which he used to insult journalists and opponents or even post messages with racist connotations.

The “Repnat du Gaito” account would have been active for two years until 2017. An account which was followed by a certain Marine Le Pen, who recently discreetly unsubscribed from it.

Jordan Bardella denies being the author of this account.

But the fact is that the National Rally did everything to prevent the broadcast of the documentary, as

Le Monde

clarifies .

The party sent bailiffs to prevent the broadcast of certain extracts.

We end with tennis and the good results of the French at the Australian Open.

Tennis rearmament is underway!

Arthur Cazaux, 122nd in the world, beat world number 8, Holger Rune, in the 2nd round of the Australian Open, and Clara Burel defeated world number 5 Jessica Pegula, reports



And they are not the only ones to create a surprise: seven tricolors are competing in the 3rd round, as highlighted by

Le Figaro


Océane Dodin also qualified for the 3rd round of the competition.

Today she will meet Clara Burel.

Performances perhaps due to the blue supporters, according to the sports daily.

They came in small numbers to the tournament, but they made a lot of noise, to the great pleasure of the French players!

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