- When I heard about the proposal, I was genuinely upset and appalled, says Lukas Ljungkvist.

In the investigation that was presented last week, it is proposed that the protection of public employees, such as police officers and social workers, should be tightened.

Among other things through a new crime category: Insulting an official.

- The background is the vulnerability that many public employees have in their role, says investigator John Ahlberk.

"Be sure to pay attention to the proposal"

Lukas Ljungkvist decided to protest the proposal and stood with a placard outside the police passport office in Malmö with the words "your satan's arsehole".

- Since it is not yet illegal to do what I did, I decided to take the opportunity to draw attention to this change, which I see as a step towards the police state that I believe is emerging in Sweden, says Lukas Ljungkvist.

What is the problem with not being allowed to insult a police officer?

- It is a sharp erosion of freedom of expression.

Suspected of minor drug offences

After a couple of hours of protest, Lukas Ljungkvist was arrested by the police.

- We received a call that there were people who found him unpleasant and we sent a patrol there, says Evelina Olsson, police spokesperson.

According to Evelina Olsson, Lukas Ljungkvist was suspected of being under the influence of drugs.

- He was not compliant and therefore he had to accompany me to the police station, says Evelina Olsson.

Lukas Ljungkvist denies that he was under the influence of drugs.

- But it was not exactly unexpected that I was arrested, says Lukas Ljungkvist.