Marta Belver Madrid


Updated Friday, January 19, 2024-01:51

  • PSOE Sánchez removes potential critical voices from the Executive, such as Lambán's 'right hand'

  • Congress The PSOE and its partners only accept the spelling corrections of the lawyers to the Amnesty Law

The senior staff of the PSOE - including the 17 ministers within their quota in the coalition government with Sumar and the majority of regional leaders - meets this weekend in La Coruña to update their

political ideology


Although the literal nature of the resolutions will not be known until Sunday, Pedro Sánchez has already hinted that the "wall" he drew against the political right during his investiture speech is now going to be transferred to the ideological foundations of the formation he leads. surrounded by related positions.

During his speech this Wednesday at the Davos Economic Forum, the President of the Government asked the top representatives of Spanish companies and banks for help to "defend democracy" and "fight against the regression represented by the reactionary wave sweeping the world." .

"Do not let yourself be dragged by those media and radical political parties that are obsessed with projecting us as systemic rivals, who profit from

selling polarization

. Do not fall into their trap. Let's collaborate. Let's take advantage of the great challenges to build bridges, enhance synergies and establish new forms of public-private collaboration," he urged them.

At the Socialists' Political Convention, which is expected to be attended by

1,500 people

, the new doctrinal framework will be shaped after the debate in the format of nine panels and three forums on issues such as territorial cohesion, coexistence, reinforcement of the State of the Wellbeing, economy for people and peace and new world order.

After the inauguration, the initial intervention scheduled this Friday will be carried out by the politician who was in charge of La Moncloa between 2003 and 2011 and who has been Sánchez's maximum public support in his string of concessions to the independentists, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero.

Of the extensive list of topics that will be addressed in this conclave, the first vice president of the Executive and number two in Ferraz's leadership highlighted this Thursday that of

"democratic cleanliness and quality

. "

"It is really very worrying what we are seeing these days of the actions that during the time of the PP Government were carried out using the resources of the State for partisan interest and to persecute those they considered political enemies," María Jesús Montero stressed in an interview on Antena 3, in which he insisted on asking Alberto Núñez Feijóo for explanations for the alleged espionage plot with police means against the leaders of the


more than a decade ago.

Federalist turn

The independence challenge precisely led the PSOE to readjust its ideological principles in July 2013, when 10 months had passed since the massive Diada that marked the starting signal for the illegal referendum of October 1, 2017. In the so-called

Granada Declaration

, still sealed under the leadership of Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba, the federalist turn of the party was certified, which advocated for a territorial structure that recognized "the legitimate differential facts" of the communities, although with the literal specificity that without admitting "privileges" nor "discriminations".

Since then, terms such as "nation of nations" and "plurinationality" have been passed through the party's ideology until in 2021 , "modern multilevel Spain"

was coined

, accompanied by this explanation: "The one that offers democratic channels of dialogue and pact." within the framework of the law to provide solutions to situations like that of Catalonia, in terms of further deepening the State of the autonomies".

In this weekend's meeting, a new argumentative perimeter will foreseeably be established that will allow the justification of the amnesty to fit with that which will erase the crimes of the majority of those prosecuted by the



Among other things, it will allow the return of the former


of the Generalitat Carles Puigdemont, who fled to the Belgian city of Waterloo to avoid judicial action.

To reinforce its strategy in this new political stage, the PSOE has also launched


, a

think tank

that will be "a powerful laboratory of ideas of progress for national and international debate."

The objective is for it to replace the

Pablo Iglesias Foundation

, which Ferraz believes does not fulfill its function of influencing public opinion in the left-wing sphere.