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Video duration: 28 minutes 20 seconds 28:20

Political experts and analysts doubted the ability of the American administration to pressure Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu regarding the war in the Gaza Strip, even though this man has become an obstacle to American arrangements and interests in the Middle East region.

From the point of view of Professor of Political Science at An-Najah National University, Dr. Hassan Ayoub, the American administration has gone too far in granting legitimacy and cover to Netanyahu and his government in launching the aggression against the Gaza Strip, and any move that this administration can make towards restraining Netanyahu will be a very difficult task.

He pointed out that there is a broad base that supports Netanyahu in the American official establishment and in the media, as well as in the Israeli lobby, a base that is exerting pressure on the administration of President Joe Biden, which itself cannot, in the electoral situation, put pressure on Netanyahu, and he knows that very well.

He said, "Biden will not be able to take a single effective measure, such as stopping the supply of weapons and ammunition to Israel."

As for the expert in Israeli affairs, Dr. Muhannad Mustafa, he believes that the American administration finds it difficult to deal with the Israeli Prime Minister, who rejected all of its requests, as he refrained from discussing the political horizon of the Gaza Strip, which is a strategic American demand, and refused to move to the third phase of the war on Gaza.

He said that the United States has many tools to pressure Israel, such as stopping the supply of weapons and removing international cover from it, but it does not use them, especially during the election period.

US President Joe Biden (right) and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (Reuters)

An integrated American plan

The two analysts agree that Netanyahu has become, in the eyes of some Americans, an obstacle to American interests in the Middle East, which is what the professor of political science at An-Najah National University focused on, saying that Netanyahu has become an obstacle to the regional strategy that the United States seeks to impose, including Restoring the reform of the Palestinian National Authority in a way that qualifies it - according to the American project - to unify the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

The professor of political science noted that the American administration, on the one hand, wants to find some settlement to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict through the portal of normalization and give Israel the full opportunity to have a normal situation in the region, and on the other hand, it offers Netanyahu - whom it wishes to undermine - an opportunity on a golden platter to remove Israel from... Isolate it and become a regional power.

He added that the Americans presented an integrated plan, as revealed by US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan and Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, which includes “selling the illusion again to the Palestinians by talking about a state for them within the framework of Arab-Israeli normalization, eliminating any threat from the Gaza Strip, and ensuring Israel’s security as well.” "She wants it."

“At a time when the American administration is offering Israel a political, diplomatic, and strategic victory on a silver platter, Netanyahu refuses to do so, which the American administration considers to be a strategic disaster,” as explained by the political science professor at An-Najah National University, who confirmed that Netanyahu does not want a state. Palestinian and there is no Palestinian authority, and he only wants to eliminate the hope of the Palestinian people for a state, independence, or salvation from the occupation.

The expert in Israeli affairs believes that the Israeli Prime Minister does not care about American pressure, and that the way to remove him is through major internal protests and rebellion against his government, and the departure of the Minister in the Israeli War Council, Benny Gantz, from this government.

Source: Al Jazeera