Emergency management departments investigated a total of 394,000 major accident hazards last year

This year we will vigorously resolve fundamental and systemic problems.

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  This year, the Ministry of Emergency Management will adhere to the established goals set by the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China as strategic guidance, insist on consolidating the foundation, improving quality and capabilities, and make greater efforts to solve basic, source, and institutional problems and promote the cause of emergency management. High-quality development.

  Reporter Cai Yanhong

  2023 is the first year to fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Faced with the severe challenge of a significant increase in the risk of various disasters and accidents, emergency management departments and fire rescue teams have performed their duties with an ever-reassured sense of responsibility and effectively prevented and controlled major disasters. Safety risks, fully respond to various disasters and accidents, strive to improve the emergency management system, comprehensively improve emergency response capabilities, promote relevant departments to formulate 51 major accident hazard identification standards and key inspection items, establish a national major accident hazard database, and cumulatively investigate major accident hazards 394,000 items, maintaining overall stability in production safety and disaster prevention, reduction, and relief across the country.

  Wang Xiangxi, Minister of the Department of Emergency Management, said that this year, we will adhere to the established goals set by the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China as strategic guidance, adhere to strengthening the foundation, improve quality and capabilities, and make greater efforts to solve basic, source, and institutional problems. Promote the high-quality development of emergency management.

Put prevention in a more prominent position

  In 2023, in response to the emergence of some long-term accumulated safety production risks after the epidemic prevention and control has stabilized, as well as the challenges brought about by the increasing number and intensity of extreme disaster weather, the emergency management system will place prevention in a more prominent position and play a role in relevant coordination. The role of institutional functions is to promote the transformation of the public security governance model to pre-emptive prevention and effectively prevent and control major security risks.

  Launch the 2023 action to investigate and rectify major hidden dangers across the country.

Highlight major hidden dangers in key industries, accident-prone areas, main responsible persons of enterprises, and grassroots branches. We will intensify the "four inaccuracies and two directs" open and covert investigations, report more problems, and issue more letters of supervision to force the implementation of responsibilities.

  We will vigorously implement a batch of tough and practical measures for security governance.

Organize and carry out the 2023 provincial government safety production and fire protection work assessment inspections, and the safety production work assessment of member units of the State Council Safety Committee.

Carry out special rectification of "diseased" operation safety of chemical equipment and equipment, and strengthen the management of safety risks in oil and gas storage, mining and long-distance pipelines.

Revise the "Safety Regulations for Operations in Limited Spaces of Industrial and Trade Enterprises".

Carry out fire control in key areas and supervise the supervision of a number of units with major fire hazards.

Work with relevant departments to clarify the regulatory responsibilities of each department around the "one thing" chain of gas safety, carry out special rectification of gas safety in cities and towns across the country, and promote the strengthening of safety supervision in construction, transportation, civil aviation, special equipment, fishing vessels, reservoirs and hydropower stations and other industries. , standardize safety management measures in new fields such as electrochemical energy storage power stations, strengthen the safety production work of central enterprises, and promote the creation of national safety development demonstration cities.

  Complete a comprehensive risk survey of natural disasters, organize and implement pre-flood inspections in major river basins, supervise the safety of dangerous reservoirs during floods, highlight key earthquake hazard areas to supervise and strengthen preventive measures, and carry out in-depth special actions to investigate and rectify hidden dangers of forest and grassland fires and investigate and punish illegal fire use behaviors , coordinate the construction of emergency shelters and promote comprehensive disaster management.

  Over the past year, the Emergency Management Department has adhered to the combination of normal emergencies and abnormal emergencies, organized a total of 81 emergency consultations, initiated 114 emergency responses, and dispatched 130 working groups to the front line to deal with all kinds of dangers and strive to protect people's lives and property. Safety.

Strengthen overall planning and improve systems, mechanisms and legal systems

  In 2023, in accordance with the requirements of "establishing a comprehensive safety and emergency response framework", the Department of Emergency Management will strengthen comprehensive coordination and promote the construction of emergency management systems and capabilities that are compatible with Chinese-style modernization.

  Improve the institutional mechanisms and legal system.

Integrate and establish the National Disaster Prevention, Reduction and Relief Committee to further strengthen the overall coordination of all aspects of disaster response and promote the solution of overall, basic and long-term major issues.

Establish a command and coordination operation mechanism for the national emergency command headquarters to guide the further improvement of the emergency headquarters system.

Actively promote the formulation and revision of important laws and regulations, formulate interim regulations on the benchmark for administrative discretion in emergency management and management measures for the list of seriously untrustworthy entities in production safety, improve the overall coordination mechanism for the formulation and revision of mandatory national standards for production safety, and release a number of industry standards.

Comprehensively promote "Internet + law enforcement".

  Strengthen scientific and technological support and guarantees.

Coordinate and promote emergency management technological innovation, equipment development, smart emergency response, and emergency satellite planning and implementation.

Build and strengthen the information infrastructure of the National Emergency Command Headquarters.

Build a safety risk monitoring and early warning system, and deepen the application of big data analysis in power, towers, communications, video and satellite remote sensing.

We accelerated the release of urgently needed technical equipment for flood prevention and rescue, and successfully launched two emergency disaster reduction radar satellites.

Completed the construction of the national earthquake intensity rapid reporting and early warning project.

  Improve grassroots emergency management capabilities.

Jianqiang and make good use of township and town fire stations.

Create a number of national comprehensive disaster reduction demonstration counties, and carry out pilot projects for the application of county risk census results and standardized management of township forest and grassland fire prevention and extinguishing work.

Adhere to consolidating the foundation and supporting high-quality development

  At present, my country's development has entered a period in which strategic opportunities and risks and challenges coexist, and uncertain and unpredictable factors are increasing.

In this regard, the Ministry of Emergency Management proposed six "more emphasis" this year, insisting on consolidating the foundation, improving quality and strengthening capabilities, making greater efforts to solve basic, source and institutional problems, and promote the high-quality development of emergency management.

  Pay more attention to prevention.

To promote the transformation of the public security governance model to pre-emptive prevention, we must conduct an in-depth analysis of the shortcomings that restrict the transformation, find "killer" practical measures, and accelerate the establishment of an emergency management system centered on risk governance.

In particular, we must highlight source prevention and control, use reform thinking and the rule of law, policy, technology, standards, engineering governance and other means to strictly control planning safety and security access, and improve the ability and level of security fortification.

Implement the concept and requirements of prevention into the entire process of emergency management.

  Pay more attention to problem orientation.

Focus on outstanding problems, study the inherent laws, and strive to come up with innovative ideas and measures to solve the problems in essence.

For major disasters and accidents, we should make in-depth summaries and reflections and draw inferences from one example.

The corrective measures proposed in the accident investigation report should be implemented into specific work to truly solve the problem.

  Pay more attention to the effectiveness of the system.

Keep pace with the times and improve the emergency management system, persist in using institutional thinking to identify problems, solve problems with institutional innovation, implement responsibilities with institutional rigidity, and use the power of the system to respond to the impact of risk challenges.

  Pay more attention to the eyes downward.

We will continue to focus on the grass-roots level, gain an in-depth understanding of the real situation of emergency management, grasp outstanding risks and hazards, keep a close eye on the areas most prone to accidents, the most unsafe factors, and the most unsafe links, and strengthen targeted measures.

Highlight the sense of presence, increase penetration, and implement responsibility measures to specific scenes, specific points, and specific people.

  Pay more attention to social participation.

Promote and implement the party and government leadership responsibilities, departmental supervision responsibilities, and enterprise subject responsibilities for production safety in an integrated manner.

Enhance the safety awareness and safety quality of employees and principals of production and operation units.

Extensively mobilize, bring into play, and protect the enthusiasm, initiative, and creativity of the broad masses of people in participating in emergency management, and comprehensively create a good atmosphere in which "everyone pays attention to safety and everyone knows how to respond to emergencies."

  Pay more attention to pragmatic style.

We must be down-to-earth and not seek for nothing. We must advance the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council with high standards and implement them with high quality, use hard measures to protect safety, and continuously improve the scientific, professional, and refined level of work.

Efforts to improve intrinsic safety levels

  This year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. It is a critical year for achieving the goals and tasks of the "14th Five-Year Plan". Doing a good job in emergency management has great responsibilities and arduous tasks. The Ministry of Emergency Management proposed that safety production must address the root cause and achieve practical results.

  This year, we will comprehensively launch a three-year campaign to address the root causes of production safety, focusing on the current deep-seated contradictions that restrict production safety, and focusing on safety education and training for the company's main leaders, improvement of the standard system for determining major accident hazards, dynamic clearing of major accident hazards, and safety technology Support and engineering governance, improvement of the safety quality of employees, construction of safety management systems, precise law enforcement and assistance, improvement of the safety quality of the entire people, and strive to achieve a major improvement in intrinsic safety levels.

  Make every effort to prevent major risks in key areas.

In terms of mining, it is necessary to vigorously carry out industry safety improvement, comprehensively investigate "passing through the sieve", and carry out a solid survey of hidden disaster factors and advance management of major disasters; in terms of hazardous chemicals, it is necessary to formulate safety handling guidelines for abnormal working conditions of chemical enterprises, and further promote safety improvement in chemical industry parks Improve and continue to prevent and control safety risks in high-risk subdivided areas; in terms of fire protection, we must carry out "net-type" inspections of key units and crowded places to comprehensively rectify outstanding risks and hidden dangers to prevent leakage and loss of control; in industry and trade, we must highlight high-risk areas, Conduct in-depth investigation and rectification of high-risk places and high-risk operations.

At the same time, the functions of safety committee offices at all levels should be effectively brought into play to guide and urge relevant departments to effectively promote the root cause of work safety in this industry.

  Disaster prevention, reduction, and relief require strong capabilities and sound mechanisms.

Implement the project to improve natural disaster emergency response capabilities, focus on the most prominent shortcomings and weaknesses, promote the implementation of early warning command, rescue capabilities, catastrophe prevention, and grassroots disaster prevention projects with high quality, and accelerate the establishment of cross-regional, cross-level, and cross-department disaster early warning command system to support grassroots implementation of a batch of infrastructure renovation and upgrading projects for material reserves, actual combat training, and combat support, improve earthquake damage prevention data systems and structural exploration equipment, and accelerate the filling of equipment shortcomings of emergency rescue teams.

  Improve disaster prevention, reduction, and relief mechanisms. Flood prevention and drought relief must fully consolidate the responsibilities of all parties at all levels, and strengthen early warning and emergency response linkages. Earthquake relief must promote the implementation of housing facility reinforcement projects in earthquake-prone areas, optimize emergency response mechanisms, and improve multi-level emergency shelters. Sites; forest and grassland fire prevention and extinguishing must strengthen the application of new technologies, new equipment, and new systems for monitoring and early warning, and improve long-term mechanisms for source control, joint prevention and control, and mass prevention and control; disaster relief and relief must revise and improve local plans at all levels, and improve disaster relief material reserves and rapid allocation mechanism; comprehensive disaster reduction requires improving the normalization mechanism for natural disaster risk census and assessment, and deepening the application of census results.

(Rule of Law Daily)