Luis F. Durán Madrid


Updated Friday, January 19, 2024-14:25

  • Events They are investigating whether the three brothers found dead in Morata owed money to lenders after being scammed by two North American soldiers

The Civil Guard has found a simulated weapon in the house of Morata de Tajuña in Madrid where the three septuagenarian brothers were found yesterday, Thursday, dead and showing signs of violence.

During the visual inspection of the home, a blank weapon was found

that the victims had acquired to defend themselves, according to what investigators interpret.

The agents of the Armed Institute are considering the settlement of accounts for a debt related to a love scam as the main hypothesis of the murders of Pepe, 79, Ángeles, 74, and Amelia, 71.

From those around the family of the deceased - two sisters aged 68 and 70 and a brother aged 70 - they have told the agents that

at least several years ago the sisters had contacted two alleged soldiers, with whom they began a relationship. long-distance pseudo-amorous relationship.

After some time, one of the alleged soldiers informed them that the other had died and that he needed a significant amount of money to be able to collect an inheritance.

Since then, one of her deceased women

began to send money to the account of her 'boyfriend' Edward,

who kept asking her for more and more amounts with various excuses.

Although friends and family alerted them that they had fallen into so-called 'love scams', the sisters insisted that the romance was true while they went into debt to satisfy the demands of the supposed lover, going so far as to ask several acquaintances for money.

Investigators believe that they could have asked for money from the wrong person, who wanted to settle the debt by ending their lives.

In fact, the neighbors talk about how a while ago a man came to their house with a hammer to demand that they return money.

That man is a Pakistani who had a store in Arganda and who would have lent 60,000 euros to the sisters,

according to initial investigations.

A few days ago, the neighbors alerted the town council that they had not seen the brothers for a month, who were well known in the municipality because they participated in many social and cultural activities.

At first they thought they had gone on vacation, but since they did not respond to calls and messages they were alerted.

Order to enter the home in the event of suspicions

On Monday, the Local Police proceeded to carry out the initial judicial proceedings, in coordination with the Civil Guard post in the town.

Thus, they began negotiations with the Investigative Court of Arganda del Rey, which sent the judicial order to enter the property, located at Avenida de España number 18.

Thus, at 11:30 a.m. this Thursday, members of the Territorial Judicial Police Team of the Civil Guard of Arganda entered a home, with judicial authorization, finding the three bodies.

They were "

partially burned, piled up and with traces of blood,"

the same sources have indicated.

Agents from the Scientific and Homicide Department of the Civil Guard, who are in charge of the investigation, have collected numerous remains and evidence in the house and are speaking with relatives and neighbors of the deceased.

The two women had been retired for several years and the brother suffered from a disability.

The house in which they were found, whose blinds were drawn, was their second residence.

They had other homes in Spain,

which they could have sold to satisfy the requests of the alleged lover or debtors, something that investigators will have to examine.

The Morata de Tajuña City Council has decreed three days of official mourning in which the flags of public buildings will fly at half-mast for the death of the three residents found dead today in their home.

And they have given their "heartfelt condolences" to family and friends of the deceased.