In response to North Korea's launch of an intermediate-range ballistic missile on the 14th of this month, the United Nations Security Council held an emergency meeting to discuss responses.

Japan, Western countries, and other countries condemned the launch as a violation of Security Council resolutions, but Russia and China argued that it was the United States that was escalating tensions around the Korean Peninsula, leading to a confrontation between the two sides.

On the 14th of this month, North Korea launched a ballistic missile into the Sea of ​​Japan, and the following day announced that it had conducted a test launch of a solid-fuel medium-range ballistic missile.

In response to this, the United Nations Security Council held an emergency meeting behind closed doors on the 18th to discuss responses based on requests from Japan, the United States, and other countries.

Ahead of the meeting, U.S. Deputy Ambassador to the United Nations Wood told reporters, ``This is a long-standing provocation by North Korea and is a matter of grave concern.The Security Council must recognize that North Korea is violating the resolution.'' ” he said.

Meanwhile, China's Ambassador to the United Nations Zhang Jun said, ``While all eyes are on North Korea, other parties also have a responsibility to avoid deterioration of the situation.'' Although he declined to be named, he urged the United States to He argued that tensions should be eased through dialogue.

According to UN diplomatic sources, in closed-door meetings, Japan, South Korea, and Western countries condemned the launch using ballistic missile technology as a violation of Security Council resolutions. There was an opinion that criticized the use of the weapon against Ukraine as a violation of Security Council resolutions.

In response, Russia and China reiterated their previous claims that it is the United States that is escalating tensions in the region, and this time the two sides were again at odds.