It was yesterday that Aftonbladet revealed that there are traces of cocaine in the toilets of several of the parties' Riksdag chancelleries.

The test was done using so-called "cocaine napkins" in connection with interviews on December 7 last year.

The next day, a police report on drug offenses was drawn up in the Riksdag.

- We will be helpful if the police want to investigate this further, said Niklas Åström, head of security at the Riksdag administration in an interview yesterday.

However, no police investigation is ongoing.

"No traces that can be linked to a person"

Already three days after the police report, on December 11, Deputy Chief Prosecutor Bengt Åsbäck decided to drop the investigation.

Reason: It is obvious that the crime cannot be investigated.

- There are no traces or circumstances that can be linked to a person, that is the problem.

There are also, as I judge it, no measures to be taken that could lead to such information, Bengt Åsbäck states in an email.

He further writes, "Generally, drug use is a crime that almost presupposes that a person can be arrested/taken into custody in close proximity to the intake where analysis can be done of blood/urine".

Several parties state to SVT that they reminded their employees and members about the alcohol and drug policy after the disclosure and informed that there is support if someone has an addiction problem.