A display board introducing the digital yuan at Qihe Station of Suzhou Metro Line 2. The country is a through train photo by Wang Lichen

Text/Wang Lichen

From shellfish coins to copper coins, from silver dollars to paper money, the development of China's currency has gone through a long process. Its latest "evolution", the digital yuan, has also entered our lives.

"At present, the scope of the e-CNY pilot has been expanded to 17 pilot areas in 26 provinces and cities. Di Gang, deputy director of the Digital Currency Research Institute of the People's Bank of China, said that the application scenarios of digital RMB have also been extended from personal consumption to public enterprise services such as salary payment, inclusive loans, and green finance, as well as government service scenarios such as finance, taxation, public utilities, e-government, and agricultural poverty alleviation, providing strong support for the implementation of national strategies and financial services for the real economy.

Recently, Guoshijun came to Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, to experience the multi-scenario application of digital yuan.

Take the subway, and the mobile phone can be brushed without network or electricity

On July 2023, 7, Android mobile phone users discovered that the e-CNY App has launched a SIM card hard wallet function. It is understood that the SIM card hard wallet is to associate the digital yuan soft wallet with the super SIM card, so that the SIM card has the function of digital yuan payment.

"Users who have opened a hard wallet for e-CNY SIM cards can enter and exit the turnstile normally even when the mobile phone is locked or turned off. Wu Chao, deputy general manager of the Clearing and Ticketing Department of Suzhou Rail Transit Operation Co., Ltd., introduced to China News Service that the Suzhou Rail Transit digital RMB hard wallet has passed through the gate, and for the first time in the country, it has realized the application scenario of directly entering and exiting the subway turnstile through the digital RMB SIM card hard wallet in the state of no network and no electricity in the form of intelligent locking, that is, automatic locking when entering the station and automatic deduction when leaving the station.

At Qihe Station of Suzhou Metro Line 2, a passenger who has applied for a SIM card hard wallet told Guo Shijun that every time he entered the station, he had to open the boarding code and payment code in advance, but now he can pay with a touch of his mobile phone. And even if there is no network and no electricity, you can brush out of the station, and you don't have to worry about the phone running out of battery anymore.

Wages, utilities, rent, and digital RMB consumption scenarios are all closed-loop

As the first digital RMB pilot demonstration industrial park in Suzhou, Huangqiao Future Factory has realized a closed-loop scenario of digital RMB consumption that integrates park management, supporting services, and employee consumption.

Feng Xiaoming, director of the Digital Finance Industry Development Center of Xiangcheng District, Suzhou, introduced that Huangqiao Future Factory has three major characteristics in the use of digital yuan:

First, through the strong integration of the "Xiangcheng" special theme digital RMB hard wallet, the functions of access control, elevator control, consumption, and salary payment are integrated, and the universal use of one card in the park is realized;

The second is the special financial services of digital RMB, which allows enterprises to enjoy certain discounts by paying rent through digital RMB, and at the same time, they can also participate in digital currency point activities using digital RMB;

Third, charging piles, umbrellas and other equipment with smart contract prepayment functions are laid in the industrial park, so that employees can not only enjoy the convenience brought by pre-recharge, realize automatic deduction, but also improve the supervision and safety of funds.

"At present, the issuance of digital RMB hard wallets in Huangqiao Future Factory has achieved full coverage in the park. Enterprises have also opened e-CNY corporate accounts to realize that part of their wages are paid in the form of e-RMB. You can also pay for water, electricity, and rent through digital yuan. Feng Xiaoming said.

Pay taxes to meet the individual needs of taxpayers and payers

With the advantages of real-time arrival and low handling fees, e-CNY can be used as a new tax payment method to meet the diversified needs of enterprises and individuals to pay taxes and fees.

It is understood that since 2020, the Suzhou Xiangcheng District Taxation Bureau of the State Administration of Taxation has begun to explore how to use digital yuan for tax payment. Chen Zhong, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Suzhou Xiangcheng District Taxation Bureau of the State Administration of Taxation, said that by the end of 2023, nearly 2,200 taxpayers had used digital yuan to pay taxes and pay nearly <> billion yuan.

According to the relevant person in charge of Suzhou Nanya Financing Guarantee Co., Ltd., after opening the digital RMB wallet, you can sign a tripartite agreement online at the Jiangsu Provincial Electronic Tax Bureau to bind the digital RMB wallet. After completing the declaration, you can use the e-CNY wallet to withhold taxes and fees, and the whole process is simple and convenient, saving time and effort.

Referring to the advantages of handling tax payment business through digital RMB, Chen Zhong said that on the one hand, it provides taxpayers with a more flexible and rich tax payment method, supporting the use of all types of taxes, all scenarios and all places, and on the other hand, in the future, smart contract functions such as automatic deduction and preferential policy reminders can also be developed to load digital RMB to meet intelligent and personalized needs.

Government service hall of Xiangcheng District, Suzhou City, State Administration of Taxation. The country is a through train photo by Wang Lichen

How to strengthen the security line of digital yuan?

In the era of digital economy, financial security has become an important part of national security and the foundation for stable economic development. Recently, at the 2024 Financial Cryptography Innovation and Development Conference, Di Gang pointed out that cryptography technology is the key to ensuring the security of financial networks and the cornerstone of innovative application of financial technology.

In order to continuously innovate the cryptography-based digital RMB ecological application system, Di Gang said that the Institute is actively promoting the research and innovative application of cryptographic technology in various business scenarios such as digital RMB mobile terminals, software and hard wallets, no network and no electricity, smart contracts, controllable anonymity, etc., so as to effectively ensure the security of the digital RMB system, business security, transaction data security and personal information privacy security, and inject cryptographic genes into the whole life cycle security of the digital RMB system.

"In the wave of diversified development of digital financial services, the application of digital financial cryptography is ushering in new opportunities and challenges, and bursting out with new development momentum. Di Gang said that the Institute of Data Research has always attached great importance to the research and development of core cryptography technologies, and actively explored the design of cryptographic application technologies suitable for digital yuan and financial technology. In the next step, the Institute will deeply promote the innovation of commercial cryptography applications in digital financial scenarios and further consolidate the security defense line of digital yuan.