ICJP handed over evidence of Israel's crimes in Gaza to the British police station (social media)

The International Center for Palestinian Justice (ICJP) said on Tuesday that it had handed over evidence to the British police station (Scotland Yard) related to war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by Israel in the Gaza Strip, after filing a criminal complaint of the complicity of British ministers in war crimes in Gaza.

The centre said in a statement that it had handed over files to the Scotland Yard War Crimes Unit last week containing evidence about senior UK politicians, including government ministers, as well as Israeli ministers, but their names would remain confidential for legal reasons.

This comes after PCHR issued notices for the prosecution of British politicians for their complicity in Israeli war crimes in Gaza last October.

The complaint includes eyewitness accounts and photographs proving Israel's crimes, which include attacks on civilians, civilian property and infrastructure, including hospitals and protected cultural buildings, as well as starvation and attacks on everything that makes life possible.

The evidence in the complaint file also proves the use of internationally banned white phosphorus by the Israeli occupation forces against civilians in Gaza.

A few days ago, London police issued an appeal to witnesses passing through UK airports to report war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in Gaza.

The British Department for Trade and Business is facing a legal lawsuit related to a decision to allow the continued export of weapons to Israel, and Israel is facing charges of genocide in Gaza in a lawsuit filed by South Africa at the International Court of Justice.

ICJP is an independent center of lawyers, politicians and academics working to protect the rights of Palestinians through the law.

Source : Al Jazeera