Ray's father flips through a photo album, where a curly-haired little boy peeks out.

"He had just ended up with the wrong people, that's mostly it. Of course, he wanted a better life. But he felt like a failure," says Ray's father.

He is critical of the fact that Ray did not get better help from social services.

"It didn't work. But he didn't want to make me sad. He wanted to say "it's okay, I'll be fine". But lately he started talking about things he hadn't said to me. He kind of wanted to... that I would know all that he had done. He wanted to make it so that he's done later.

Ray always returned to Gothenburg

Ray lived with his father for several periods even as an adult. But he always returned to Gothenburg. And that's where he died, on June 21, 2021.

"Sometimes I think I've been dreaming, just for a little while. And then "yes, he's gone". It's hard," says Ray's father.

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Ray took his own life after several rejections from social services of applications for emergency accommodation – start the clip to follow the timeline of the 46-year-old's last weeks of life. Photo: Private (the picture is a montage)