Beijing, 1 Jan (ZXS) -- Analyzing the results of the two elections in the Taiwan region a few days ago, Ni Yongjie, director of the Shanghai Institute of Taiwan Studies and editor-in-chief of "Taiwan Strait Studies," said in an exclusive interview with the China News Service that the voice of dissatisfaction with the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) on the island will not be weakened. The mainland should maintain its strategic focus and "not be surprised by changes and respond with wisdom."

The 2024 Taiwan leadership election was held on the 13th, and the Democratic Progressive Party candidates Lai Qingde and Xiao Meiqin won with a relative majority of 40.05% of the votes. Ni Yongjie pointed out that the green camp won the votes with a narrow majority, which can only be called a "crushing victory", and the non-green camp mainly lost in the "blue and white points", and the election strategy was not as good as that of the opponent.

The election also reflected the changes in Taiwan's political atmosphere. Ni Yongjie believes that the competition between the green camp and the non-green forces has highlighted that the call for "Taiwan will not be good if the DPP does not fall and the new trend does not fall" has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people in Taiwan. Since the Chinese Kuomintang and the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) are close to each other in the legislature, while the number of seats in the Taiwan People's Party has increased significantly, Ni Yongjie judged that after the election, the Taiwan People's Party will play the role of a "key minority" in the legislature and become an important variable in Taiwan's political situation.

Observing the public opinion of Taiwan reflected in the election, Ni Yongjie said that "we want peace, development, exchanges, and cooperation," "oppose 'independence,' oppose war, and oppose 'de-Sinicization,'" and the "four wants," "three antis," and "three suspicions" of "suspicion of Lai, green, and the United States" are the real mainstream public opinion and mainstream values on the island, and the majority of the people look forward to the establishment of stable and friendly cross-strait relations, and have misgivings about Lai Ching-te himself, the DPP's ability to govern, and its "pro-US and anti-mainland" line.

Ni Yongjie believes that Lai Qingde is only a weak rule and a minority regime, and faces five big mountains, including factional conflicts in the DPP, containment by opposition forces (especially the inability to control the legislature), public restraint dissatisfied with the DPP, pressure from the United States, and strong countermeasures from the mainland. In recent years, under the Democratic Progressive Party's "Taiwan independence" policy, Taiwan has become "the most dangerous region on earth," and the whole world, including the United States, is worried about a major conflict in the Taiwan Strait, triggering a crisis.

"The mainland should maintain a high degree of strategic determination. Ni Yongjie said that at the critical moment, the mainland should shape a favorable situation in the Taiwan Strait, do a good job in risk management and control, accurately crack down on "Taiwan independence", promote integrated development, expand cross-strait exchanges, and promote the process of reunification. (ENDS)